Well we have made it to the USA! We have already been here a week and are having a lot of fun! We have definitely experienced a lot already!
Here is a little bit of what we have been up to.

We arrived last Wednesday the 30th and got settled in our apartment! The next day we just had a relaxing day grocery shopping and hanging out with my Mom and Johnny. (We had her famous lasagne..yumm) On Friday we had our "Fun day with Mom"! Since Mom is letting us use her car the whole time we are in MN we decided that as a thank you to her we would plan a fun day just for her. We took care of all the expenses and arrangements so she just had to ride along and enjoy the suprises. The activities included. Morning: Hitting a bucket of balls, picnic at the lake. Afternoon: Boat ride on the Mississippi and nap time (we had an interesting time getting to the boat because of all the blocked off roads due to the Taste of Minnesota...but we were guided through by security guards and just made it!) Evening: Dinner at"Big Bowl", a little shopping at the mall and a movie in the park at Lake Harriet Bandshell. The movie showing was Grease-The sing-a-long version". It was basically the regular movie with karoake like subtitles so everyone could sing along. And boy did the whole park sing along...it was so fun!! We didn't get home until almost midnight after driving around the whole lake...oops, but it was an amazing day!

Lake Harriet Bandshell

Saturday was another shopping day and we splurged at the mall! Then Sunday (The 4th of July) we headed up north to McGregor, MN to be with some of our friends. Anna and Jason's family has a cabin on little lake up there so we joined them and their family/friends for a beautiful July 4th celebration. Here Soren tried Water Skiing for the first time and did really well. In the evening we went to see the fireworks at a bigger lake in the area. It was a lot of fun decked out in our patriotic sweaters! The only negative part of the whole night was that as I was sitting on a long bench, all by myself, I felt myself sliding and BAM! The bench collapsed right under me and I went flying backwards towards the fire! Luckily my self esteem was high enough to not make me think that I was a total loser so we all just laughed and laughed!

After 2 days up north we came back to the Twin Cities, packed and headed off on Tuesday for Florida to visit my Grandparents. We had a delayed but safe flight, got our rental car and made it to my Grandparents house around 4:30. We had an amazing dinner and caught up! The next day we went golfing. Our tee time was ay 9:10am but even so it was very warm already! But we didn't let it bother us! We didn't have our best games ever but we sure did have a lot of laughs! In the afternoon we went to the beach (On the Gulf of Mexico) to cool down. For dinner we went to "Outback Steakhouse" and had great food....(I had the meat-iest meal you could imagine and Grandpa has some cheesy soup that kept us entertained) Then today (Thursday) we took a boat tour at one of the State Parks here in Florida and saw lots of wildlife. The most exciting was seeing all the alligators!! We spent the rest of the day at the pool! Now I am writing while we are just about getting ready to eat dinner, so I better go... But stay tuned for more information about our adventures in Florida and Minnesota. Tomorrow we are headed to Disney World and then further to Cocoa beach for a little 2nd honeymoon!