Friday, October 22, 2010

Our House!

It's official, we are now house owners!

For the past year we have been looking at houses.  In the beginning we looked on the internet to see what kind of house we would like and what things were important to us.  Then just before Summer vacation we went and looked at some houses that we knew were in our price range in a small town called Lyne.  It ended up that the house we were interested in got sold right under our noses so we put the process on hold.  But as our God only knows best, not getting that house was the best thing that could ever happen to us!  In the months since Søren and I have talked a lot about WHERE we would want to buy a house and agreed that we didn't want to live in Lyne and put ourselves in between our two worlds of work and friends, but rather that we wanted to move to Skjern a much bigger town where we have quite a few friends already.  So our search was broadened to the Skjern area and we immediately found a house that we really least from the pictures.  The next step was going to the bank to see if we could afford this house, and after a lot of budget and loan talk we found out that we definitely could!

So yeah, we decided on a Friday that we would call on Monday to book a viewing of the house. That Sunday Søren was looking at the house again on the Internet and saw that the sellers had lowered the price! And it was quite significant drop! We were so excited, it was the perfect timing!

To get to the point, we went and looked at the house and loved it! We both pretty much knew that this was the house we wanted! A week later Søren and a friend of ours who knows a lot about building houses went to look at it again and examine some things in more detail.  Our friend thought everything looked good, so we decided to make an offer.  They didn't accept our first offer, so we had to think about how much we were willing to pay for this house....we thought about it over the weekend, made a counter offer and they accepted!  So yeah, we went to the bank again just to make sure everything was in place and signed the papers yesterday!  We are very excited and will be moving in April! It's all so crazy but very very exciting. I will post some photos from the Relators website.
From the front

From the back


Living room

Victorious again!

Yes its true, once again we were victorious in the annual Andersen/Madsen Cup.  This year we went to the Activity Center in Esbjerg and competed in various disciplines: Minigolf, Sumo-wrestling, Car racing and Bicycle racing.  So that makes it two years in a row that we have our name on the cup! 

Jette and I Sumo-Wrestling

Carl and Søren Sumo-Wrestling

Bike racing

This past week we have had fall break!  We decided that we needed a little get-a-way so Søren and I booked a trip to Luedersburg, Germany.  We found a nice hotel with some fantastic Golf packages and took the 4½ hour drive south to our destination.  After getting stuck in crazy traffic going around Hamburg, we arrived at our hotel and it was absolutely spectacular.  The sun was shining and made everything seem so peaceful.  The building where we slept was actually an old stable that was now made into a small hotel. The surrounding buildings were also very beautiful and historical looking.  There were restaurants and a smaller castle all in the middle of a very small and quaint town.  The hotel also had a wellness area with a few saunas and a relaxation room! After getting over the initial dissapointment that there wasn't a hot tub we looked around the rest of the area and got ready for dinner.  We went to a cute little Italian restuarant and had wonderful food. Afterwards we went down to the sauna with all the naked Germans and then back up to our room and played games until we were so tired that we had to sleep.
Our room

Our room

Inside the stable hotel

 The next day was golfing day, we had a wonderful breakfast at the hotel and headed out for an 18-hole round at the Lakes Course.  The name says it all, there were really a lot of lakes and water everywhere.  Søren and I counted and combined we lost about 20 balls that day! But we had beautiful weather and the course was gorgeous so we couldn't complain too much.  After golf we had made massage appointments and each had a 30minute massage to relax our tired muscles!! It was wonderful and all part of our package! For dinner we went to the "fancy" restaurant and had a 3-course meal (again part of the package) It was delicious! 
Lakes Course

Tuesday came and it was time to go home already, but not before another round of Golf on the "Old Course." This course was also gorgeous with lots of old trees that were changing colors and combined with the crisp fall air, it was a great experience.  The special thing about this round was that there was another woman who was given the same tee time as us, so we played the 5 hour round with us!  She was such a sweet and adorable German woman who had played golf for only 2 years but was pretty good! She had a very cute accent and laughed and made jokes with us all day! We were a little skeptical in the beginning of having to play with someone else, but it turned out to be very enjoyable! 

Old Course

Betina the German and I

After this round, and the loss of another 12-15 balls we headed home.  We stopped at the border shops and bought some cheap candy and pop before entering Denmark again! We had an amazing trip!!

The rest of the break we have been relaxing, visiting friends and getting to some projects that have needed our attention for awhile... (the shelves in the office!)  It's nice to have a whole week free together, one of the perks we will always have as teachers!!