Saturday, November 27, 2010


We have had a change of plans.  Our wonderful tradition of having 2 Thanksgiving meals each year has been destroyed by snow! Yes, Denmark has been hit by a crazy snowstorm and has left us stranded with a double batch of stuffing and no Watermark Americans to share it with!  The traditional 3 hour journey to Northern Jutland this weekend after Thanksgiving to have a true American celebration, would have taken over 5 hours, so we decided to stay home. So now I have time to fill you all in on our 1st Thanksgiving celebration of the year.
On Thanksgiving Day we had some friends over for a Thanksgiving dinner.  With Auntie Anne's excellent recipies I was able to make a succesful feast again! One of my friends from MN had sent us some pumpkin in a can and some cute Turkey napkins, so the table was definitely festive.  Our tradition of saying what we are thankful for is my favorite part of the evening! Søren and I definitely have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.. :)
Thanksgiving Buffet
Watching football!
Otherwise things have been looking up for me, pregnancy wise.  My morning sickness had decided to only visit in the afternoon and evening...and just yesterday I felt great until about I am very optimistic.  They only thing is that as soon as I started to not feel nauseous, I got a really bad head cold and actually had to stay home from work one day because of it. I am still struggling to breath through my nose and to taste my food, but the headache is gone and my energy is up, so I am happy!
Here your first look at how I am looking now-a-days. You get a before, 10 weeks and NOW (15 weeks)  picture!
5 (2)
Week 5 ("before")
10 (1)
10 weeks
15 (4)
15 weeks

Søren is done with school-school until February.  He starts a 7 week student teaching adventure on Monday.  He is excited to get to teach all the 3 classes he is interested in: Social Studies, Math and Music.  He will actually be at the school when they have their musical, so he will be helping with the band there!
Now today because of our change in plans we are going to have our first Christmas celebration with our friends from our small group at church.  Good food, Christmas clipping, and HYGGE! We are glad we can do something today now that our Thankgiving fun is spoiled! Hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's (a) Spring Baby

We are very happy and feel very blessed to say that we are going to have a baby! We just had our first ultrasound yesterday and it was amazing! The minute she put the little thingy on my stomach our baby just popped up on a screen in front of us! The technician said right away..."wow, we have a little lively one" and you could see him/her hop like a magic jumping bean on the screen.  The technician also showed us all the parts of our little one: brain, heart, legs, arms, and we could even see a close up of one hand and all 5 fingers! It was truly incredible!!!! Our baby was really flailing it's arms too, so we think it's going to be a little drummerboy or girl! It just seems so real after seeing him/her move!
Baby Madsen -12 weeks

 As for myself, I have not been having the easiest 1st trimester.  I have had a lot of nausea, pretty much 24 hours a day, and that has made it hard to function at times.  But now I am officially in week 12, as my due date is May 20th, so I'm hoping for some relief soon.  Søren has been incredibly helpful with many things, but especially with cooking and meals as I am having a diversion to the smell of our refrigerator. We are really excited about this new adventure in our lives (and maybe a little nervous too).

Otherwise we have had a week full of playing music for 2 different  Praise and Worship events in neighboring towns.  We love that we get to go out and play music together and share our talents for the glory of God. 

Some other really exciting news is that we have bought 2 plane tickets to MN for DECEMBER! So we will be celebrating Christmas in Minnesota this year! I am flying in the 13th of December and Søren is coming the 19th after he is done with his student teaching for the year.  We are really looking forward to freezing our butts off this Christmas!  :)

2 Americans with their pumpkins (Søren carved one too)

Søren and his Dad golfing in Skanderborg (a very beautiful course)