Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Creating a home

We have worked so hard lately and have actually gotten most everything into place in our first home!  We aren’t completely done but I couldn’t wait anymore to show off our new home!

It was been strange for me to be home so much, but it has worked out well with all the things that needed to get done so that we could have things in place in time for our little boy to come.  Søren has been extremely busy with his Bachelor assignment, and is almost ready to hand it in, so that is quite exciting for both of us!!

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather here the entire past week.  About 70 degrees with a slight breeze and lots of sunshine!! The Easter holiday was so fantastic where we were able to get a lot of work done, visit friends and family.  Easter Sunday we went to Søren’s Mom’s new house and spent the day with her and Ulla, Peter and the boys. It was great to have a day away from home and “work.”

So yeah…here are the long awaited photos of our home, with our things!! Enjoy!!



Come on in

Entry way

View coming into the kitchen


Living Room

Living Room (notive the white wire going across the room. We have a lit switch with a dimmer and the lights that should be connected to it also have a dimmer, so they won't work together...)

The extra wing of the living room..probably a future playing area

Office/Grandma's room

Retro bathroom


Future nursery in the works

Our bedroom

Music room

Music room

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moving Day

This past week was spent packing up our entire house getting ready for moving day, so my first week of maternity leave was not the most relaxing! However, I am very grateful that I had so much time to pack and not have to worry about other stuff.
Half of our things in one room!
So yes, finally Saturday arrived and we got to move into our new house. Yay! We have been waiting for months and the day finally came. It started out with a bit of rain and a trip up to the house with some small loose items in our little Toyota Yaris.  Then we picked up a big moving truck and drove to Frøstrup.  There our friend and neighbor David as well as Søren’s Dad and Hanne met us to help pack the truck.  We had to take 2 trips with the big truck, but then all our belongings were in Skjern, our new hometown! Luckily we had some friends to help empty the truck here in Skjern, so it all went fast and smooth…At least I thought so, but then again I didn’t so much lifting and moving Smile  Another friend brought some cake over to the house and we all had a short break from moving. 
Moving out
Moving in
Søren and Benny sharing a beer on the bar stools!
Us in our new home!!
After the 2nd load was delivered we ate lunch and relaxed a bit.  However, Søren’s Dad was quiet anxious to help with all sorts of things so the lunch break wasn’t so long.  It was great to have him to help set up lights, tighten the toilet seat, put doors back on, move boxes around and arrange things! All the small details!  As the men were working on those things Hanne and I were in the kitchen putting the 5 boxes of kitchen supplies and food away in the respectable drawers. By dinner time we were all happy with our efforts and had a nice dinner before Benny and Hanne went home. 

Søren and I enjoyed a relaxing evening watching TV, hooking up the internet and just talking about all the exciting things we have experienced lately. 

We slept very well our first night in our new home, and didn’t discover any strange night time noises. Then today, Sunday, we woke up, had breakfast and unpacked a few boxes before getting ready for church.  It was an absolutely beautiful day so we decided to bike to church! It was fun and awesome that we had that option to bike!

So yeah…now we are looking forward to unpacking more this next week and taking breaks here and there to visit friends and family for the Easter break.  Søren is working on his huge and final project before graduation….it’s called a "Bachelor Assignment."  So he’ll be working on that and taking breaks to unpack a box or two!

We are well and happy and thanking our Lord today on Palm Sunday for the blessings He has bestowed on us!

PS: More house pictures to come when we get things moved in and settled!
35 weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

An end and a new beginning

This past week has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Thursday was my last day of work before going on maternity leave for the next 9 months or so.  It is so amazing, and I feel so privileged to have 6 weeks off before my due date and so many months afterwards to spend with our baby.  I hope I will never take it for granted, but it does feel a little strange as well.  I have spent so much time working the last 4½ years with colleagues and students that I really enjoy and appreciate, that it feels strange that  I won’t see them everyday.  Or just the fact that my brain doesn’t have to coordinate things about work and concerts, etc.  I feel so blessed to have a work place that  I love and will miss. So yeah the reason for the rollercoaster of emotions…(and well maybe just the pregnancy fact as well!)

But also this week we finally got the keys to our new house!
We went up to the house Wednesday to get the keys and check out the house for what colors we should paint everything.  Then later that day I went and bought some small trial buckets of paint so that we could go up to the house and make sure the colors were just what we were hoping for.  So that is what we did Thursday.  We had our first meal in our new home, and it was so fun to think…This is ours!  Then on Friday and Saturday we had our big painting days.  Luckily we had a lot of friends and family who were willing to help so we were actually able to get the whole house painted in a day and a half!  Everything looks great and now we can’t wait to get our things moved in and in place.
Our first meal at HOME
Inger and Ida painting the music room
My type of job!!
Ulla working on Baby Madsen's room
(white on top, green on bottom)
Hanne in the kitchen
Nikolaj swinging in our back yard
Benny, Peter & Jette in the entry/mudroom
Lukas and I baking cookies for the hard workers
Dinner at our new dining table!
Time for a break again!
Painting job..put the cabinent together
(I think they wished there was more painting to do!)
While everyone was painting Saturday I took a walk with our nephews and found some interesting trails and a park with a playground near by.  It was fun to be on a little adventure and check out the area a little bit more.  I also met one of the neighbor ladies and she was very friendly and informative…she told me all of the neighbors names and ages!!!

So yes, we have been busy with lots of exciting things.  Luckily today, Sunday, we have been able to just sleep in, relax and go for a nice long walk in the beautiful spring weather. Next week we will pretty much be packing and buying the last things we need for the house before Saturday…MOVING DAY!