Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a fabulous long Easter weekend.  The first 2 days we spent working in the yard.  First we had to rake up all the moss that we had removed with a big maching wednesday afternoon….it took FOREVER even with our small lawn and my excellent raking experience. Also we have a little reconstructing and a getting ready for mulch project going on, so it was great to get some things done while Silas was napping. 

Otherwise we just had a lot of family time. On Saturday we went down to Esbjerg to visit Inger and Ulla, Peter, Lukas and Nikolaj were there too! We just hung out, ate delicious food, played games and went to a beautiful Easter service.  It was really relaxing and great to have some quailty time together.  Easter really is a fantastic holiday and this year we were again reminded of the hope and peace that comes from knowing Jesus rose from the dead for us on Easter morning!!

Playing at the park


Happy Easter!

Silas’ first haircut

Silas got his first haircut this past weekend. Personally I thought that the curls in the back of his head and around his ears were super cute, however, I do have to admit he was starting to look like an adorable little girl. So I got out my shearers and began cutting my baby's baby hair off :(  Yeah I know I don't have to make it a big deal, but it was for me, another way my baby is not such a baby anymore.

I thought it would be a good idea to do it while he was eating his snack so that there would be something to distract him....WRONG...the idea turned bad right away as Silas began eating his own hair which continued to fall into his plate of kiwi. Oops...hadn't thought of that! But I did manage to finish and I was so suprised how different he looked afterwards, older somehow. Well you can judge for yourself.

Before (Yeah a typical "before" picture)

