Okay I know I said I would write every month for the first year, but so much has happened this month that I want to document it. So I’m writing it here for others to see.
Silas is as active as ever. Climbing over everything, walking around every table, chair, wall, fence, whatever. He walks around so proudly with the biggest grin on his face.
Then on monday July 2nd, he took his very first steps! He took 4 steps from Søren over to me, so we both got to see it. It was so incredible the proudness I felt and the happiness I had in my heart for my little boy who is growing so fast. Since then he has taken a step or two from a piece of furniture over to us, and breathes excitedly with a huge smile on his face the whole time. He also likes to open and shut the doors while walking and pushing the doors back and forth.
He has also started repeating a lot of what we say. The most recognizable er Hi and Thank You, and Bye. He says a lot of other things but we can’t quite pick them out yet. His favorite new game is to pick up about anything, hold it to his ear, and say HI! He also says hi to pictures of other babies or kids.
Silas’ temper has also evolved in the past month. Although he is still an incredibly happy and charming boy, he now throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. He arches his back and throws himself back, onto the ground yelling and throwing a small fit. However, he is pretty good at calming down again if we give him something else to occupy him.
Bedtime is still very easy, after changing his afternoon rythym so that he doesn’t sleep past 2:30pm. He found the small pacifier bag that hangs at the end of his crib, so everynight as soon as we lay him down, he stands up and looks into the bag grabbing ALL of the pacifiers inside. It’s a sweet little routine.
Silas has enjoyed some nice days outside and especially loves walking around with his wagon, or pushing his tractor. His sand box and swing are also big hits, as well as playing in the mulch and rock beds.
This month we took Silas to a photographer to get some 1 year photos. She gave us permission to publish the edited ones so those are most of the pictures for this month. Enjoy.
Ummm |
Climbing on any... |
... and everything |
Hej! |
Walking with Dad |
Spaghetti face