Notable events:
July 2nd: Silas took his first steps. He was standing up by the swingset in the back yard, and suddenly he let go and took 3 steps towards Søren and I. Afterwards we knelt down and asked him to “come here” and he took 3-4 steps several times, with the largest and proudest smile covering his face.
During the next few weeks, his 3-4 steps became 5-6 and so on. During our second week in the US he started walking all over. He would crawl over to any object, pull himself up and then walk to another object (or until he fell down). Again his facial expressions were so priceless, he had a twinkle in his eye and a huge smile on his face. Eventually during our trip to California, Silas could stand up on his own and ever since he has been a walking and talking machine. He even started challenging himself by trying to caryy heavy objects such as my purse!
These months Silas also started mimicing nearly everything. Some of his favorites are:
Baby-everytime he heard the word he would say it crystal clearly, and he has said it a few times when he saw a picture of a baby in a book.
Uh-oh-when he “accidentaly” drops something
Cuckoo-copying the cuckoo clock at Grandpa’s
All done- he says this on his own when he is finished eating and starts pulling off his bib
Hej-Hej/Bye Bye- when saying goodbye he chooses one of these phrases while waving.
Up- when he wants us to pick him up, or to get up on his tractor or swing, whatever, he says UP to let us know what he wants!
He has also learned to mimic movements, as he can clap and play along to almost every part of Paddy-Cake. At the end he raises his hands and yells a long tone trying to mimic “tooooss it in the oven” and then claps at the end.
Here just before turning 15 months, Silas has shown more of an interest in many things. He now likes to hop on his bouncy rubber cow, ride his tractor, dance along to his cd-player, hide keys and other objects all over the house, and eat grapes! His hand-eye coordination has increased and he now plays lots of games taking lids on and off of different objects.
Silas continues to be a joy, full of life, smiles and laughs. He definitely doesn’t like getting his diaper changed, or his teeth brushed and he lets us know. His temper has also increased as he is testing boundries about what he may or may not do. He is vocal with both his voice, but also his expression. He furrows his brow and gives a little whiny voice. It’s hard not to laugh sometimes, but we are encouriging him to use the words he knows and to learn some new ones.
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