Monday, September 23, 2013

Saturday Photoshoot

Facebook members are maybe aware of the fact that Søren is running for County Council.  It is quite involved as he has been to multiple meetings, made a Facebook page, and will be campaigning.  He will also be involved in multiple debates in the area.  It's fun and interesting to see what is all involved.

As part of his campaign there will be posters of Søren's face hung up all over the county.  Due to this, we went to the meadow near our house and had a "photoshoot".  He took some pictures for an advertisement he made and also some profile pictures for the posters.  We had borrowed the schools more advanced camera, so we also had some fun taking family photos for our pleasure.  Here are the results.

Friday in Legoland

Some weeks we think our jobs are so demanding and that it's difficult to both work at the same school.    And then there are weeks where we have 3 days off together and get to spend as a family.  These are the times we try to remenber when the hard weeks are upon us.

We decided to use one of the days off in Legoland.  Our friends Jette and Carl (the other couple colleagues we have) invited us to Legoland with them, as they had 2 free passes.  We had an absolutely wonderful day with beautiful weather and great company.  Their two oldest girls Ida and Sigrid, loved having Silas along and took him by the hand to all the different rides.  Not long after we got there Silas started insisting on going on the rides without Søren or I, just with the girls.  It was so much fun to watch him really be at an age where he could enjoy the rides and more of what Legoland has.

Around 3pm we left the park and went back to Jette and Carls for dinner.  We ended up ordering pizzas and were even able to sit outside.  The kids sat at the kiddie picnic table and then rode around on the bikes as the adults were able to finish eating and chat.  I think it was a perfect day!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Private Concert

Today Silas and I were hanging out and singing along to the Okee Dokee Brothers CD.  Suddenly Silas found his mini guitar and said that he wanted to sing a song. Great, I turned down the CD player and got out my phone to record it.  He got up on his little chair all proud and say this when I said, "Go"!

Afterwards he wanted to watch the video.  As soon as the video was over he ran back to the chair and got into position again! He was so excited and really wanted to be on camera.  I wonder where he got that from? Huh? (It's a bit long, but he couldn't get enough of the spotlight!)