Time for a concentrated Silas update. He is growing and learning so much, it is hard to keep up with all the things that are changing. Luckily I have written down some of his quotes as he says them so we can remember. Here are some of the noteworthy developments.
1) Has a growing interest in "little brother." When going somewhere Silas will say "And Far come too, and Mommy and little brother." Silas also comes up and says hi to little brother and rubs my stomach. The other day he said to me "little brother come out now."
2) He continues to do a great job being bilingual. There are some Danish words or phrases that he puts into his English sentences pretty consistently. 1. I gerne have that one Mommy ("gerne have" means "to want") 2. Mommy spil that one on piano ("spil" means "play"). Sometimes he will say want or play, but many times these Danish words get mixed in. I think it's pretty cute.
3) Continuing with the 2 language thing: Silas has begun to automatically translate what I say to him, to whichever Dane he is talking to. For example: At daycare I said to him "Say bye and see you later to Margit"...Silas then looks at Margit and says "Hej hej, ses senere Margit." Which is the direct translation of what I just said to him. Silas continues to speak English to me and will sometimes say things twice if both Søren and I are in the room. "Mommy, I want an apple please." ..."Far jeg gerne have æble."
4) Started with a new breakfast routine. He has eaten warm oatmeal since he was about 6 months old, every morning for breakfast. But now he wants his oatmeal cold with milk in it, and some raisins.
5) Has a very polite way of speaking (when he's not throwing a tantrum). "More milk please Mommy." "No thank you." and the equivalents in Danish. Also remembering to say "Tak for mad" (Thanks for the food) when he is done eating.
6) "Hitting" other and sometimes random kids. It has become less the past few weeks, but Silas has had a tendency to go say "hi" in a bit hard manner. The kids will just be standing there minding there own business and Silas will come an give them a smack. We are trying to show him the proper way to say hi instead, which is helping, but there is still work to be done there.
7) "Bye bye poo poo"...Silas has shown a slight interest in the toilet. He will tell us that he wants to sit there, and then after a bit (and not actually producing something in the toilet) he will throw his toilet paper in in the toilet and say "bye bye poo poo" as I flush it down.
8) Sleeping game. Everything and everyone has to sleep. He especially likes to tuck his stuffed animals in with a pillow and blanket in various parts of the house. Then he say "shh, doggie is sleeping"...and then "wake up doggie! time to get up!"... Apparently they play that game a lot at daycare as well. Sometimes I've overheard him singing goodnight songs or reading a book to his stuffed animals while putting them to sleep.
9) Sleeping with a night light and with the door open. When we say goodnight to him and have just finished praying he starts whining until you ask him if he wants the door open a little. He then says yes and rolls over to sleep. Sometimes he asks us to open the door more and more...(I remember a little story of myself being quite picky about the door position as a child..right Mom?)
10) When picking him up from daycare he yells "That's my Mommy" and comes running, giving the biggest hug!
11) During the month of November, Silas was waking up around 5:15/5:30am...sometimes he would just turn on the light and play in his room. He seemed completely awake, and we could rarely get him to fall back to sleep. Luckily the time has now changed to around 6:30am, and we are so happy when the clock says 6 something and not 5.
12) Knows all the parent's names of the kids at his daycare.
13) Sings songs and rhymes from daycare at the dinner table. He knows a lot of them with actions and challenges us to sing along too. He will start a rhyme and then say "Hvad kommer der så?" (What comes next?)....Probably just the way Margit says it to them! He also repeats other things he has heard in daycare..."Kom så alle børn, vaske hænder." (Come on all you kids, wash your hands) "EEh, altså" (Oh wow/dear)
14) Picks the prayer song to sing at the dinner table. He will say "Alle gode gaver, like at Margits!" He has begun to sing along to the songs as we are singing.
15) Says that he loves things..."I love apples Mommy!"...."Jeg elsker brød, far."
Here are some of the Silas quotes I have written down
"Hyggelig lys" - meaning cozy candles. When we light the advent calendars in the morning he will say this
"Hi little brother, lille bror"
"Not sleep ikke now" (saying not twice in one sentence "not" and "ikke" mean the same thing)
"Have to go to work soon" -- and proceeds to go out to the car.
"Yes"...answers in a very enthusiastic way
"Look at my face." When he gets chocolate or something on it
"Banjo" There is now a difference between a guitar and banjo
"Oh, who smells" I ask, "oh was it Mickey?"...Silas: "No, my a little bit of tootsies."
"Oh, kinda smells like eggs." After somebody has let one rip...."Oh, kinda smells like Far"
Looking down at his fingers "I need to cut my nails"
At Margits during lunch where Silas is yawning a lot "Er du bare så søvnig Silas?"...."Nej, jeg er bare lidt træt".... (Are you just so sleepy Silas?.....No, I am just a bit tired."