Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mothers Group the 2nd

I have joined a mothers group again this time around.  For me I really wanted to be able to meet some new people in our town and to have some ladies to chat with.  We meet once a week and the time flies.  Before we know it, it is time for us all to pick up our "big" kids.  We usually just sit around eating and talking for hours on end.  There are five of us and all of our kids are number 2 or 3 kids, and are all born within a month of each other! One of the other women in the group is a good friend of mine, so it is fun to get to see her more often and for our kids to get to know each other more too. (As much as a baby can get to know another baby!)  Today the weather was beautiful, so we brought the group outside to chat in the shade!

Malou, Benjamin, Malou, Rasmus--missing Uffe

Malou Larsen and Benjamin happy to see each other again!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Who let the cows out?...moo..moo..moo moo

Yes, it is apparently a tradition to watch the organic cows come out to the grassy pastures every spring.  They have a whole "organic" day where farms across Denmark open their land to complete strangers and let them experience the cows running out onto the grass for the first time in months.  The cows get really excited, jumping and such....the kids love it!

Well, we couldn't go to the "organic" day, but our friend, Therese, grew up on a farm and invited us out to her parent's house to see their cows come out.  Søren had to work that day, so I went with the boys.  It was so much fun.  Silas got to sit in the big tractors, drive around on their mini moon cars, play in the hay, see the cows jumping, and in general just run around and be a boy.

It was a great way to spend the day.