We got to daycare and Silas went in and talked to the other kids. Then he sat on the floor waiting for Benjamin to get his jacket and shoes on. When it was time to leave, I told Silas that we were leaving, but he didn't respond. I went over to him and then I could see his eyes were completely blank. His eyes were just staring and he wouldn't answer me. I thought he was just playing a trick at first. But quickly I could see that something was really wrong. I felt his forehead again and it was burning up. We tried giving him some water, but Silas couldn't even swallow and made choking noises. I told Margit, the daycare mom, to call 911. We got him out of his warm clothes and waited. The paramedics came really quickly and they were quickly alarmed. They got Silas out to the ambulance and started an IV for medication. I had to leave the other boys with Margit and called Søren on the way. We didn't know what was wrong, but people were definitely concerned. After a little bit, the paramedic told me that the doctors suspected meningitis and they were treating him for that in case. The sirens were going and it was quite scary.
Right before we got to the hospital (normally 45 minutes away) Silas started coming out of it and was able to sit up on his own. When we got into the hospital room there were at least 10 doctors, but they left quickly when they saw that Silas was okay. There were lots of machines hooked up to Silas and I just kept talking to Silas about how you could see his heart beat, etc, but he wouldn't answer me. Finally one of the times I asked him..Silas can you see that? he answered..."Um huh" and my heart just dropped. I was so relieved. It had been over 45 minutes where he couldn't talk or be in contact with anyone.
They needed to take his blood for some tests and that was not fun for Silas. He was scared of all the people poking and prodding him and it hurt to get the needles put in, He was hysterical and I could just sit behind him and hold him. Poor guy. Then he got to pick a toy from the box and there was a little lego bag so that cheered him up a lot.
Søren showed up and we were moved to a different room for the night. They weren't worried about meningitis anymore, but needed to keep him overnight for observation and to wait for the blood tests. Silas had a huge appetite and ate and built his legos. Then we got into bed and was able to watch TV from bed with Søren next to him and he loved that. Søren stayed the night and I went home to the other boys. Jette, our friend came over to talk that night as I was quite shaken up after the experience. Silas and Søren held hands at night and I think they both really enjoyed some time together.
The next morning Silas was ready to come home and he got a box of legos to build. The doctors are 95% sure that it was a Feber Cramp that he experienced but due to the fact that he is almsot 5½ and the kramping lasted for 30 minutes, the doctors aren't 100% sure. But we are hoping and praying that it was just that and that he will be fine. So in the end he just thought the whole hospital thing was great. Yoghurt for breakfast, movies in bed and LEGOS! We are so happy that he is okay and are holding him extra tight. He seems completely fine, running around and teasing as usual.