He wasn't so into getting his elephant picture taken...I tried 3 different days and this is the best I could get! :-) |
He did really well with the trip and was quite happy. We could tell he wasn't quite as happy as he normally is at home, but considering he got woken up from lots of naps, forced to take naps in the car, eat lots of different foods, etc, we think he did great. He enjoyed seeing new people as long as Mommy was holding him or in the very close proximity. Then we would give lots of smiles. But...when Mommy wasn't around...he was very sad and cried a lot. Luckily Søren could also comfort him, but when he got babysat for the first time at Grandpa and Lizzie's, while we were out for our anniversary, he cried the whole time! So yes, this is a new and very real development. It has continued at home as well, but sometimes I can get away with going to the bathroom by myself if I sing loudly enough so he can hear I'm not so far away.
Liam continues to be very mobile walking around furniture, etc, and even stood on his own briefly a few times.
His big brothers loved having him on vacation and Liam never has to worry about being lonely!
Other notable traits:
-He learned how to wave---he smiles really big and flaps his whole arm from shoulder to hand.
-Really wants Mommy--his brothers try to cheer him up, but only Mommy will do
-Laughs a belly laugh Hae, hae, hae, hae.
-Waking up multiple times at night and needing to get rocked to sleep. Many nights he is awake 1-2 hours!
-Prefers eatingr really big pieces of food and getting to nibble off of it.