Monday, August 10, 2020

Liam starts pre-school

After 1 year at home with me every hour of every day, Liam started pre-school. He was so excited and know the place very well from dropping Benjamin off everyday. He was so excited about his new lunch box of course too! The first day I was with and he sat quite quietly with me during song and snack time. But then I left from 10 to 11 and he just waved and started smiling. The next days were a bit difficult for him during drop off. We would start crying when we got there and I would have to pull him off of me. That was not fun for anyone. But the teachers said he was fine less than 10 minutes later, so I tried to remember that. His good friend from daycare is in his group, and it was like there hadn't been a year since they were together. So Liam is doing well and he has lots to tell when he gets home! 

Benjamin's first day of school

A big day for Benjamin! It was finally his turn to start school! A proud owner of a new school bag (thanks Farmor) and a smile full of holes. He had a great first day and sits right next to Olivia who he has followed since daycare at age 1! He was especially excited about getting to play with his School Friend, Aske, from 5th grade. A great idea! Today Mommy was with the whole day, tomorrow it'll be drop off and go. So much fun to experience them grow! ❤️❤️❤️😁

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

House full of music

Music is a popular thing at our house, and I love that it evolves all the time.  Both Liam and Benjamin have really been singing along to the songs in the car, and just singing for fun while playing.  It is the most beautiful noise I know!!

Silas started piano lessons this year, and has the best teacher ever!!! Yeah, that's me!! It's going really well and we both enjoy our time together.  We can just take it at a slow and fun pace, so it's perfect and free!!  However, I do get paid for giving the lessons.  Every week when the lesson is over, Silas and I sing a song together, where I usually just play piano and he sings.  I love listening to him sing, and he usually picks a worship song of some sort, so that is also very special!

We also continue to have concerts at our house, which entail every one grabbing an instrument, putting music on and jamming! There is usually a lot of dancing too! There is a lot of noise, and a lot of happiness. I do this often when Søren isn't home for dinner and bedtime, it makes the time before bed go really fast, and we have a lot of fun, so it's a great way to end the day for all of us!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Christmas 2019

We've had a fabulous Christmas and Christmas break this year! Over 2 weeks where the five of us were together.  Lots of time for visiting with family and friends, as well as time to relax and do things as a family.  As our new kitchen was finished just the day before Christmas break started, it was awesome to host a bunch of guests, and spend lots of time in our kitchen playing games, drawing and just enjoying meals at a better decibel level!

We spent Christmas Eve at our house with Søren's Mom, Inger. We started out attending our church where I, again this year, had the privilege of singing "O Holy Night" and playing the french horn for lots of the traditional hymns.  It was a very festive worship service.

Afterwards we went home and had a very nice lunch and afternoon.  Just hanging out together and preparing food.  The boys were so sweet and patient waiting all day to open presents.  During dinner, Benjamin was really brave trying new things like the gravy, brown potatoes and Ris A'lamande.  (rice pudding).  The tradition with rice pudding here is that there is one whole almond hidden in the bowl, and whoever finds it in their portion, gets a present.  Benjamin really wanted the present, eventhough after he tried the rice pudding he really didn't like it.  We said he had to eat it if he wanted a chance at the present, and he did!!! He are his whole portion, and when after everyone had finished their first portion and nobody had the almond, he wanted another portion so he could have a chance!! Luckily he did have the almond in his final portion!! He was so proud and excited!!  The present was a lego pack, and all three boys just ran into the living room to put it together.  Finally it was time to dance around the Christmas tree and sing.  All the boys were walking themselves this year and loved the part when we ran around the house singing..."Nu er det jul igen, nu er det jul igen..."

The boys passed out the presents, and Benjamin was very proud that he could read the names himself!!  All three of them were so excited to both watch what everyone else got, and also so excited about their own presents.  For every present Liam opened, he would exclaim "Yay, it's just what I wished for!"...

The present from Søren and I was a 4 day trip to Lalandia (a waterpark resort place here in Denmark), and when they opened that present they were so excited and didn't believe us!! They kept saying, "is this real?"....Then Benjamin went over to Farmor (Inger) and said..."Farmor, are you going to miss us when we're gone?"... So cute!

Towards the end of the evening, Silas was saying after each of his presents that this was the best Christmas ever, and that he didn't even know which gift was the best, because they were all his favorite!!

Søren and I just enjoyed the whole way that they were so grateful and so in tune with wanting to see everyone else be excited about their presents! It was a great evening, and they boys didn't go to bed until 11pm.

Other hightlights of the break were going to Herning one day to shop (with lots of other people..woah!) and seeing Frozen 2 in the movie theater.  We also went swimming one day with friends, and had guests over to see our "new house".  New Years was festive with friends, fireworks, doing a little fun aroudn the neighborhood, and good food. A hightlight from the night was Silas nad our friends daughter Alberte, making a New Years speech of their own after watching the Queen of Denmark give her annual New Years speech.  Classic!!

Now back to normal, but that is good too!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.