Monday, February 28, 2022


After 1½ years since we've written on the blog,  Søren and I agreed that we want to get back in the habit of updates on our everyday life.  It makes more sense to use the blog than Facebook.  This way the people who really want to see and hear what we are up to can follow along in more detail.

And what better first blog after the drought then one about ZOEY! Our newest family member.

Zoey is a Jack Russel Terrier - short coat and she is 11 weeks old today.  We have had her for a little over a week now and it's safe to say we are in love!  

The first few days were an adjustment for everyone.  The boys wanted to spend time with her all the time, yet she needed lots of sleep.  Zoey was used to a different house with different people and noises, and she had to get used to us.  She would clearly get a bit stressed at different points of the day, and then she would run around growling and biting our ankles.  Her little sharp teeth hurt, so the boys became afraid of her and didn't think it was fun anymore.  But after just a few days, it got a lot better and now things are back on track.  The boys are good at just standing still when she tries to bite them during play, and then they just give her a toy to chew on.  

Zoey sleeps well at night too and only wakes up 1 time to pee, and then falls right back to sleep. Right now she sleeps in her bed on the floor next to our bed, but eventually we plan to have her sleep in the kitchen.   It's definitely been a lot of work getting a puppy, but it's all worth it!

Zoey is very active and loves to run around like crazy in the yard.  Luckily we fenced in the backyard before we got her, so we can let her run and play with us outside without worries.  She loves learning new tricks and she has already mastered SIT and COME ....if there aren't any distractions mind you! She loves to cuddle with us at our feet and is good at staying in her bed while we eat meals.  

I would say her favorite thing right now would be a pair of socks...if she can get ahold of socks she will run away and hide under the table so we can't them  away from her.  

She still sleeps alot, and is pretty much out for the day around 7-8pm.  She has been going for longer and longer walks with us, and she really gets excited when new people walk by.  Zoey has met a few different dogs and really wants to play with them.  This weekend she met Farfar and Hanne's dog Kvik, which is a similar race, and she just kept chasing after Kvik and wanting to play. It's good if they become friends right away!

More updates to come - but here are some pictures of Zoey's first week with us.

Meeting Kvik