Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Just a casual update

 There is not so much to report, but I thought I'd check in anyways with some general things.

I think it is safe to say that the boys love having a dog! They love Zoey so much, and she gets lots of hugs and kisses everyday.  We should probably start waking them up earlier in the mornings, as they use so much time saying goodbye to her everyday! She is still a bit crazy at times and likes to growl and bite at their ankles - especially Liam's!  But just 1 minute after Liam is crying that Zoey is biting, he is sitting next to her wanting to pet her and talking in the sweetest voice.  Zoey's behavior is a bit annoying with the biting, but we aren't too concerned, because it seems she just wants to play. She does a lot of the same things when she gets to play with her puppy friend Bailey who lives up the road. It is really fun to watch them tumble and chase each other. 

Benjamin has also really taken to Zoey, and speaks a lot of English to her.  Things like---"Hi, Zoey, oh you're so sweet Zoey, do you want to play with me Zoey."  He uses her name all the time, and it's really nice to hear him speaking a bit of English!  Silas is very happy for Zoey and loves when she runs up and jumps into his lap when he gets home from school.  Silas can get sad if there is a day he isn't going to be home much, as he says "But I'm going to really miss Zoey, I can't leave her so long!".... 

"Helping" Liam dig

Night time nap on the couch!

Play at the beach

My working companion - Looking at me while  I work from home.

 I am also very much in love with her...When she's sleeping! ...Ha ha...No I think she is so much fun to have around, and I like training things with her.  She can now jump through a hulahoop, play fetch and bring back toys, sit, stay, (come...when she isn't distracted, which isn't very often)... We start puppy training with her on tuesday, and I'm looking forward to getting some new tools! So yes, I love her too, but I have to admit, I've had to use a lot of patience with all the things that come along with having her! But that's okay, it'll get better right?

Otherwise, the new news to report is that after 10 years of having our old rusty station wagon, we finally got a new car...New to us that is.  It is a 2018 Ford C max Grand.  It's the closest thing I'll ever get to a minivan, as it has sliding doors...but still only 5 seats, but then a very decent sized trunk storage.  There are a lot of upgrades that have happened since 2006 the year our station wagon is from.  Now we have a reverse camera, navigation system, and my personal favorite, we can hook up our telephone to the speakers and hear other music.  Also, all the speakers in our new car don't have to lock and unlock the car before the radio works, and Benjamin's door now opens from the outside as well! 

As you can hear, our old car had some "problems" and it wasn't going to be able to go through the bi-annually emissions control here in June without some major repairs, so it was time!   And we love it!  

My Gospel projects are still going well, and I have concerts with each of my 3 choirs the next 1½ weeks, so that will be fun.  I'll try to remember to post about those!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Gospelkids Festival 2022

 This year it was finally possible to carry out the annual Gospelkids Festival.  It is a festival where kids from ages 1st to 8th grade can come and sing Gospelkids songs all weekend.  Gospelkids is a concept developed here in Denmark and my childrens choir is one of the official groups - Skjern Gospelkids.  The songs are Gospel in the way that are about God and Jesus, and there are lots of motions and dances to each song.  Our choir in Skjern has about 45 kids.  For this festival there were 9 kids with from our group, including Silas.  (look for him in the video when it zooms in :-))

My co-leader Sanne and I were also with.  It was a great experience.  The kids had so much fun, and the songs sounded amazing. The older kids were really challenged in a fun way, and it was fun to see the concentration by all.  The festival ended with a big concert where family and friends were invited.  There were 250 kids on the stage, and it brought tears to my eyes just to see kids together again - hugging, singing and having a great time.  We are already ready for next year!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Fastelavn 2022

The yearly "Fastelavn" party has come and gone.  It's a tradition in Denmark to celebrate the weekend before Lent (Faste).  The festivities include costumes, Fastelavns boller (special cream-filled rolls with frosting on top), and hitting the cat out of the barrel.  

This year we had Super Mario brothers Mario and Luigi.  And Silas wanted to be Adam Thielen from the Minnesota Vikings!

The boys had 2 parties each.  One at school/preschool and one at our church!

Silas won the "hitting the cat out of the barrel" at the school party and actually won both the "Cat Queen" and "Cat King" crowns!