Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In general we are using our car a lot. Søren drives an hour each way to school 4 days a week, and although I can just walk to school, all my freetime activities require driving a minumum of 30 minutes each way. In fact we have to drive 15 minutes when we want to get some groceries, so you can say we are glad that we bought a new car last spring that gets about 56 miles to the gallon! (see below!)

This past weekend was no different, we were all over Denmark visiting friends and family. Saturday we were on the East Coast of the penninsula Jutland visiting our friends Thorkild and Janni. We live on the West Coast of Jutland and in US terms it would be crazy to drive to the other coast for one evening. However, in the country of Denmark it is only an hour drive from one coast to the other. It was fun to see them again, they were both at our wedding so it was fun to talk wedding memories. Then Sunday we drove north over an hour to be with our nephew Lukas on his 4th birthday! Lukas was in such a great mood the entire day, we played with him and his new toys all day and I think I had as much fun as Lukas did!

The other exciting news is that I was able to play my horn again! The orchestra that I played in last year called me up and said they needed an extra horn to play for the Christmas concert. With the musical choir on a break I was excited to be able to play again. I had an hour drive to rehearsal but it was so fun! I guess I missed playing more than I thought! And as an extra bonus they said they would pay me $250 even though I had said yes before the money offer! So you can't beat that!

Well that's all for now. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Thanksgiving (even though we don't get the day off) and watching some good American Football! We will be sure to post pictures!!

Our 2005 Toyota Yaris

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lets go Vikings!

So Søren and I have been pretty busy this past week. It is the 25th anniversary of the boarding school where we work so we've been busy planning and putting on a big party. I was in charge of the choir and what they should sing for the party. I ended up making, with help from my friend Kirsten, a mini-musical using Abba songs to tell the history of the school, how it was founded, expanded, etc. It was a really fun week singing Abba songs, working with drama and putting it all together. We were lucky to have a full "rock-band" to accompany us and by the final rehearsal it sounded gerat. It was a huge success, we recieved many good comments and had a lot of fun. Søren was busy controlling the sound so it was fun to work together in a way!

The whole week we were looking forward to Sunday where we would finally have some time to each other and to relax. After the big party on Saturday night, where there were over 700 people, Søren and I slept in late, went to Church (it doesn't start until 3:30pm) and came home and got ready for the big game!! THE VIKINGS WERE ON DANISH TELEVISION! We had been excited all week. We put on our purple, pulled out our Viking cups and watched the Vikings.... it was fun to get into the game together! But how were the results??....

After..... Yeah the results were not exactly to our liking... oh well.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hockey anyone?

This past weekend Søren and I have had just a fantastic weekend together. We had a lot of time together, just relaxing and not worrying about school or work. We even went on a date Saturday night. We tried a new mongolian barbeque restuarant and went and saw the new James Bond movie! It was great!

By the time Sunday came around we decided we needed to do something a little more active. We agreed to go for a walk like we always do, but then Søren proposed a better idea. The students were gone for the weekend and we could go over to the school and play rollerhockey on the outdoor basketball court. So we did, we skated around for over an hour, passing and trying to score on eachother. Then Søren, again I say Søren, decided we should have a little shootout competition. We would play 5 rounds with 5 shots each round. Whoever scored 3 goals or more in each round got one point and whoever had the most points at the end won! And by winning that meant that they got to pick what was for dinner and the loser had to make it for them!

The game started slow, neither of us getting a point the first round. But then Søren went ahead in round two. Round 3 +4 I was on fire and Søren couldn't stop me. We went into the 5th round tied. I scored 3 in round 5, so it was just up to me to stop him. It went into the 4th shot where I stopped him and won!!!!! Yay... Lasagne it was!
Søren shooting and scoring?!

Mary shooting and scoring!

Søren cleaning up after my victory dinner!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Frøstrupvej 132a

We have finally taken some pictures of our home. There are quite a few to give a really good virtual tour. We are very happy for our home. We have 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen + a dual living/dining room. Its just perfect for the two of us with room for out of town guests! *wink wink!!

The front of the house.... we live in the right!

Entry way angle 1

Entry way angle 2

Downstairs bathroom

Living Room angle 1

Living Room angle 2


Office side of the office/music room.

Music side of the office/music room.


Upstairs entry.

Upstairs bathroom.

Guest bedroom.

Our bedroom.

The backyard...notice the newly trimmed bushes!

Halloween festivities

Happy Halloween...

Halloween is not the same here in Denmark. Although you can find some decorations in the stores, it is very limited. I love to decorate for the different holidays and get all excited about making themed food for the different holidays as well. This year Halloween fell on the same day as the final of "Vild med Dans" (Wild with Dance) a competetion dance show here in Denmark where famous danes learn to dance and compete against one another. We have a tradition of seeing it on Friday nights with our friends Jette and Carl. So I was all excited to have guests for Halloween, I could make some Halloween treats, have the pumpkins lit, wear a funny hat and yeah it would be great.

I was excited all day about the treats I would make. I decided to make carmel apples, popcorn balls and some sugar cookies in the shape of a pumpkin and some candy corn on the side. So Søren and I went to the store to get the ingredients. To my dismay, it was not very easy to find any of it. There was no carmel to be found anywhere, I couldn't find corn syrup or condensed milk, I could only find red and green food coloring which I knew would not make orange for the frosting of the cookies, and there was no candy corn in sight, it just isn't Halloween without candy corn! My Halloween excitement was almost gone, how could I make Halloween treats when I couldn't find any ingredients??!

I ended up finding some carmels in the candy aisle where you had to buy each one seperatly and decided that red pumpkins with green stems would be okay. I also got the idea to make Jack-o-lantern burgers where I made a pumpkin face in the cheddar cheese. You have to be creative when your in a predicament!

When we got home I went to work. The carmel apples turned out pretty well and the cookies, well, they look more like disshaped apples but hey it was festive. Our friends had a good time and so did we. Søren and I stayed up late and watched a scary movie, a great end to a great Halloween.

The Jack-o-lantern burgers....

Jette and I decorating the pumpkin cookies....

Eating carmel apples....