Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween festivities

Happy Halloween...

Halloween is not the same here in Denmark. Although you can find some decorations in the stores, it is very limited. I love to decorate for the different holidays and get all excited about making themed food for the different holidays as well. This year Halloween fell on the same day as the final of "Vild med Dans" (Wild with Dance) a competetion dance show here in Denmark where famous danes learn to dance and compete against one another. We have a tradition of seeing it on Friday nights with our friends Jette and Carl. So I was all excited to have guests for Halloween, I could make some Halloween treats, have the pumpkins lit, wear a funny hat and yeah it would be great.

I was excited all day about the treats I would make. I decided to make carmel apples, popcorn balls and some sugar cookies in the shape of a pumpkin and some candy corn on the side. So Søren and I went to the store to get the ingredients. To my dismay, it was not very easy to find any of it. There was no carmel to be found anywhere, I couldn't find corn syrup or condensed milk, I could only find red and green food coloring which I knew would not make orange for the frosting of the cookies, and there was no candy corn in sight, it just isn't Halloween without candy corn! My Halloween excitement was almost gone, how could I make Halloween treats when I couldn't find any ingredients??!

I ended up finding some carmels in the candy aisle where you had to buy each one seperatly and decided that red pumpkins with green stems would be okay. I also got the idea to make Jack-o-lantern burgers where I made a pumpkin face in the cheddar cheese. You have to be creative when your in a predicament!

When we got home I went to work. The carmel apples turned out pretty well and the cookies, well, they look more like disshaped apples but hey it was festive. Our friends had a good time and so did we. Søren and I stayed up late and watched a scary movie, a great end to a great Halloween.

The Jack-o-lantern burgers....

Jette and I decorating the pumpkin cookies....

Eating carmel apples....

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