Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maj - May

Well once again a month has gone by and all our readers have not had an update in here is what's been happening since last time!

Good weather has finally come and Søren and I have been out on the golf course more and more.  We are both improving and it is a pleasure to see.  I am now finished with the golf lessons and theory classes and have gotten my Danish Golf certificate so that I can play on all the golf courses in Denmark.  Additionally I have also played in my first official golf match and I WON!!! I won 2 bottles of wine for shooting 10 under on 9 holes (with my handicap!)  This success has been a big help in keeping me motivated and my handicap just keeps getting lower and lower! Søren is also playing much better and the balls are flying a lot straighter!  I guess practice does make you better!  And maybe it is because I got a new golf set, it is just a cheap beginner set but I like it a lot!! Just yesterday we played 18 holes with Søren's dad and girlfriend at their home course.  It is an absolutely beautiful course, with lots of hills and a beautiful view of a large lake from nearly every hole.  It was a long and grueling round but we played pretty well and had a lot of fun! It was great to get out on a different golf course for a change! 

In the beginning of May we held our annualy SPRING CONCERT/PARTY at school.  During the day former students gather for a small reunion at the school and we get the chance to say hi to students we haven't seen for awhile.  Then in the evening there is a big concert where the students get a chance to show off all the things they have made and learned during the school year.  Art projects, furniture, prom dresses and motorcycles are displayed from the more creative students, and there is also a lot of music.  Our bands played, the choirs sang and Sørens drum students had a big STOMP number.  It was a lot of work but was also a huge success....we were very proud teachers!Link to pictures from the Concert

The day after the Spring Party I played in an orchestra concert with my "old" orchestra.  I had been asked to help out to make a more full horn section.  As it turns out I was given 2 solos as well... (cause the permanent members didn't want them)  They were quite difficult but it went well and it was fantastic to challenge myself again.

Another very exciting and crazy thing going on for us right now is that we have begun looking into buying a house!  It was already been a long process of trying to figure out exactly where we want to live, how big the house should be, what kind of things we are important with a house, how much we can afford, etc. We have made Pro and Con lists and spoken with some friends and family about the issue and we are coming further in the process.  Right now we have our eyes on a nice smaller house from 1980 in a very small town between our work and our church.  It has a decent sized back yard and it feels nice and open while still having the cozy feel of a neighborhood.  We have gone to look at the house 2 times already and we are still pretty excited about it.  So now our next step is to see if there are any major things wrong with it.  I guess we will see what happens when we get some questions answered form the report.

We have had a lot of time to think about the whole house issue because there are so many holidays in Denmark in the Spring.  We get multiple days off for Easter, for Pentecost...etc. During the Pentecostal break we had our annual family outing with Søren's sister, husband and kids as well as his Mom. This year we decided to go to DanFoss.  DanFoss is a Danish Laboratory/Science company but they have made a science musuem type place for families to come and try out experiements and see the world of science in a hands on way.  We had a great time being together and enjoying the nice weather.  One of the activities was riding on Segways.  The wait was very long but also a fun experience.

As the school year is coming to an end things are getting pretty quiet.  Last weekend we had our last big project of the year....making a Memory-CD.  Every year the music students get to pick which concert songs they would like to have on the CD and then we record them.  The rest of the students are also involved in requesting songs, making the CD cover and singing the School Song of the Year which they have sung many times throughout the year. The project was a little more exciting this year than normal becaue Søren and I had decided to record the CD ourselves.  The other years we have had a semi-professional recording tech come and do the recording and mixing, but this year we thought we would take on the project ourselves and save the school and students quite a bit of money!  There were a few glitches in the start but once we got going it went really well and it is now sent off to be copied! We are looking forward to seeing the final product in a week or so!!

Otherwise school things are pretty slow.  We had our last regular day of classes last tuesday and now it is just time for oral exams!  I don't have any of my own students I have to hold exams for, I just have to go out and be a co-examiner for some other teachers so it is pretty laid back for me right now. Søren is also in the middle of exams having to write some papers and then go to an exam and explain his ideas more thouroughly.  (That's the best way I can explain it because the exam system is nothing like it is in the States :) )

We have a count-down to USA going..only 24 days now!! We will be in the US for almost 5 weeks and we can't wait!!

Here are some pictures of our little garden again this year.  We have added some herb plants and look forwards to using them!

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