Sunday, February 27, 2011

How time flies

Time has certainly flown since Christmas.  I personally had a very crazy 6 weeks with all the big events going on.

On January 27th we were finished with our performances with show choir and it went extremely well. There were more tickets sold then anyone could have hoped for and well the highlight for me was having 43 of our students come and see our final performance. It was so fun to hear them cheering and talk to them a bit afterwards. They had so many sweet comments…it reminds me why I like working with teenagers!
Work, work...
Singing solo - On My Own
Curtain call
The day immediately following our final performance I went to work writing songs and choir arrangements for the Musical we were to perform at work.  It was a lot of work writing 8 of the 10 songs down as notes with lyrics, chords, etc.  Then when I could see an end to that, I had to make choir arrangements for all of the songs! It is really fun work and I can tell I am getting better at it every year, but man it took all of my spare time! Finally the day before we started I finished all the arrangements and had them printed out, ready for the students to learn. 

The entire Musical week and a half went extremely well. I was in charge of the choir and they did a magnificent job learning all the songs and sung quite well. Søren was in charge of the band and they were also amazing…we really have some talented musicians at the school. It was fun to get to conduct side by side again this year.

As the Musical was over, so was the long string of crazy events and projects in my life. Both Søren and I had really been looking forward to a little break after that project.  Søren had been busy student teaching since before Christmas while he still had the Musical at work to think of and writing projects at school as well. So we agreed that a week long vacation was well deserved by this point.

We decided that we would rent a little cabin for a few days during our winter break.  Going away for a few days would give us the chance to really get away from everything that has to do with work, cleaning, whatever. We spent the first few days of vacation visiting with friends and getting a little work done, then on Wednesday we drove 3 hours north to a nice cabin in an area called Djursland. It had snowed the day before, and well since not very many people go to cabins during the winter, the small cottage roads were not exactly plowed.  Luckily our Yaris could just make it and we found our destination.
Cabin from the back
Cabin from the front
summer house
summer house1
When we arrived we immediately turned up the heat, unpacked the food and decided to go out in the snow again to buy some firewood for the wood burning stove! We fired up the stove and had some hot chocolate before going for a brisk walk in the near by area. We had a  very relaxing afternoon and evening reading, doing a puzzle and spending some time in the outdoor hot tub!!
Hot cocoa!
Steamy hot tub on a cold day!
The next day we drove to a nearby town and took a little day trip. ON the way we stopped at the “mountainous” area of Denmark (more like small hills Smile ) and walked around. It was beautiful in the woods and we had fun plowing through the snow by foot. Then we headed for town.  The town, Ebeltoft, is right near the sea so we bundled up and walked down by the harbor before walking down the shopping street and ending at a café for a warm cup of cocoa. In the evening we continued relaxing, what a hard life!
Danish "mountain" Mols Bjerg
Scenic drive near Ebeltoft
Famous ship
It was already Friday then, and we only had one day left at the cabin. We slept in and made an American style brunch! Later in the day we went to a different town and took a walk on some hiking paths. We ended the day eating at a Mongolian Barbecue before heading home for the last visit in the hot tub!
Making brunch
Saturday morning it was time to pack up and go. We headed to Viborg to say goodbye to our friend Jenny who is moving back the United States. We also got to say hi to 2 of our friends from Watermark, Jim and Maria. It was fun to see them all again, and Jim and Maria lent us a lot of baby and maternity clothes, so that was nice!

On the way back from Viborg we stopped at Søren’s sister’s house and had dinner and a nice evening with them. It was great to see them and our nephews again. Lukas and Nikolaj had to show off their Fastelavn costumes (a celebration for lent where the children dress up and have little parties at school, church, etc.) Nikolaj is going to be Pooh and Lukas is going to be Batman!" They were so cute.
So yeah, now we are just enjoying a relaxing weekend after starting up at work again this week. I only have 6 weeks left of work before going on maternity leave, crazy!  We have been slowly buying things for our new home, which we just found out that we can move into April 1st already, instead of the 20th as previously agreed upon. And well, now we are only 12 weeks away from when the baby comes. It’s a fun process and we are really looking forward to the coming months!!

PS: Mom and baby are doing well. I visited the midwife this week and everything looks great. Søren came with and got to hear the heartbeat this time. It is truly amazing!

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