Monday, March 28, 2011

Bit of this and that

This past week has been filled with all sorts of different things.  Monday we had a band named Stoew give a concert at our school. We had been planned it a long time ago, and it was great fun to finally get to hear them play.  They are a band who has written new melodies to old Hymns, and both Søren and I as well as the students enjoyed it very much.
Thursday we had a busy day. First with classes and setting up the stage and gymnasium for the evening celebration, where all the students that are going to be at the school next year come and get information.  Then a quick break from setting up to go to our midwife and see a video on child birth with 4 other couples.  It was nice to have a change of gear, but I was not looking forward to this experience. But as it turned out, it wasn’t so bad.  It was actually nice to see some actual real life births, to have a more realistic pictures of what it will be like…(as opposed to what you usually see in movies)…we found out that it maybe isn’t as dramatic as it might seem, having to drive 100mph to the hospital and so on.  I also had a checkup after the movie and everything looks great.  Our midwife guesses that our little boy now weighs 2kg or 4.4lbs.  He has been moving like crazy lately, and it is fun to actually be able to feel body parts at times when he kicks really hard.  But yeah…afterwards we went back to school had a sound check for all the music that we would play with the choirs and bands that night.  The evening went well and as always it was fun to see all the new students. (It was a little weird knowing that I wouldn’t be there for the first half year though!)

On Friday we had our final meeting with the bank before getting our house keys.  We signed all the loan papers, and on Wednesday April 6th everything will be officially ours!  After our meeting at the bank we had an appointment at the hospital where we were given a tour of the delivery area of the hospital. It was nice to get a little more information and see the area.  It didn’t seem so scary!

Finally on Friday night we had a cast party with the show choir to celebrate the show we had in January.  It was fun to see them all again and as always when you get so many crazy people together, there were a lot of laughs! While I was at the party Søren was visiting his Mom and they had a great time as well.
Playing a game at the party (my team won!)
2 pregnant ladies
Now we are just counting down the days until we get the keys to our house….9 days!  Can’t wait!
Update: 32 weeks

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Practice makes perfect

Just a quick update on what we’ve been up to the past 2 weeks.
Last weekend we were put to the test as parents as we had to babysitting jobs in a row! The first was watching our two wonderful nephews while their parent’s were at a wedding anniversary party. We had so much fun playing with them, making dinner, and putting them to bed. They were so well behaved for us and didn’t fight with each to other even though I said they had to share things. It made it not so overwhelming to think of taking care of one kid after being able to handle 2 kids! My favorite story from watching them was seeing how Søren got Lukas to eat his chicken even though Lukas said he really didn’t like chicken.  Lukas ended up eating all of his and asking for some of mine!

Then on Sunday we watched our friends little girls aged 2 and 1.  This was a bit more challenging just because of their age but again it was a successful experience. We also ate dinner with them, got them ready for bed and put them both to bed. It was fun getting to read and sing to them and comfort them as they missed their mommy! By the time their parents got home Søren and I were pretty tired but happy with our weekend accomplishments!

So yeah, we got some practice in and luckily look even more forward to becoming parents ourselves soon!
Otherwise this past week has been pretty normal. I had my final performance with the Showchoir for awhile, as we performed for a big bank business gathering. It was fun performing some of our songs again, but I could really feel my stomach getting in the way this time.

Friday we went to the bank and talked about what kind of loan we wanted to take out for our home. It was a long talk and it felt a little weird walking out of there knowing we are one step closer to officially owning a home…and owing a lot of money. But yeah, I guess we better get used to feeling like “adults.”
This weekend we had all the siblings of the students visiting where I was on duty. It was fun to see the big students taking care of their small siblings! So cute, and a bit exhausting.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Getting ready

This past week has been so wonderful having my husband back home.  Søren was on a study trip to London all of the previous week. He had a really great time getting to experience music in many different ways.  They went to a musical (We Will Rock You), visited 2 schools where they got to hear different lectures and see how things are done with the music there, heard a choir, went to a music science museum, heard some local jazz at a jazz bar, and some other interesting things as well. I was a bit jealous seeing as it was all music things that they experienced, but I am glad that he had a wonderful time and made it safely back to me.
abbey road
Abbey Road Studios, London
abbey road cross
The Abbey Road crosswalk
Hearing some jazz
London Tower
we will rock you
"We Will Rock You"
I was also able to have a musical experience of my own while he was gone. I had received tickets to Thriller Live from Søren for Christmas and finally the day arrived.  Since Søren forgot he was going to be in London that day, I invited a girl friend and we went to see the West End version in Esbjerg.  It was so amazing! The lights and staging effects were fantastic, but nothing compared to the singing and dancing.  I don’t know how 15 people can fill a stage for over 2½ hours singing and dancing to some of Michael Jacksons most energetic songs day after day, but these people were outstanding.  It was so fun to hear so many MJ classics and to see the tribute to his life in such a fun way! Wow, I was really impressed!!!
Thriller live
Thriller Live
Otherwise we’ve been getting ready for the 2 big events coming up in our lives.  The first of which being that we are moving in April. We get the key on April 6th and plan on painting the following weekend so we are ready to move by April 15th-17th. Anticipating the move we have had to buy a few new things for our new house and just in the past few weeks we have bought a new kitchen table, a little hutch for the living room, and a new TV.  As we don’t have room for these things in our current house, they are still packed in the boxes, but we couldn’t just let our TV stay packed up for another month! So when it arrived we opened it and set it up in our living room.  Lets just say that it is gigantic compared to our teeny living room we have now! However, in our new house we will be sitting much further away, which is why we absolutely had to have a 46” TV.  It is crazy large, and the people look life sized, but it’s fun too, and nice to not have a fat, pregnant looking TV anymore! The picture is so sharp! We love it!
The TV is almost as wide as our love seat
See it's huge!
We have also been getting ready for the arrival of our little boy in May. We have been fortunate to be able to loan a lot of baby clothes and I had fun at a flea market for baby’s and kids stuff, so we are doing great in that department. We have also been given a crib, car seat and other various things so our spare bedroom is just heaped with things waiting to move into our little guy's new room! So yes we have been slowly accumulating things, but the biggest new buy is that we bought a used baby buggy and stroller this past weekend. I have a friend from Show choir who wanted to get rid of theirs so we bought it up at a great price.  It felt weird walking around with the buggy to try it out, but also really exciting.
So yeah that’s really all for now. We’re just taking one day at a time, but I can’t help but say that it’s only 10 weeks until my due date now!!! Yikes!!
30 weeks
30 weeks