Sunday, March 20, 2011

Practice makes perfect

Just a quick update on what we’ve been up to the past 2 weeks.
Last weekend we were put to the test as parents as we had to babysitting jobs in a row! The first was watching our two wonderful nephews while their parent’s were at a wedding anniversary party. We had so much fun playing with them, making dinner, and putting them to bed. They were so well behaved for us and didn’t fight with each to other even though I said they had to share things. It made it not so overwhelming to think of taking care of one kid after being able to handle 2 kids! My favorite story from watching them was seeing how Søren got Lukas to eat his chicken even though Lukas said he really didn’t like chicken.  Lukas ended up eating all of his and asking for some of mine!

Then on Sunday we watched our friends little girls aged 2 and 1.  This was a bit more challenging just because of their age but again it was a successful experience. We also ate dinner with them, got them ready for bed and put them both to bed. It was fun getting to read and sing to them and comfort them as they missed their mommy! By the time their parents got home Søren and I were pretty tired but happy with our weekend accomplishments!

So yeah, we got some practice in and luckily look even more forward to becoming parents ourselves soon!
Otherwise this past week has been pretty normal. I had my final performance with the Showchoir for awhile, as we performed for a big bank business gathering. It was fun performing some of our songs again, but I could really feel my stomach getting in the way this time.

Friday we went to the bank and talked about what kind of loan we wanted to take out for our home. It was a long talk and it felt a little weird walking out of there knowing we are one step closer to officially owning a home…and owing a lot of money. But yeah, I guess we better get used to feeling like “adults.”
This weekend we had all the siblings of the students visiting where I was on duty. It was fun to see the big students taking care of their small siblings! So cute, and a bit exhausting.

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