Friday, May 27, 2011

Keeping busy

This past week has at times been a bit trying.  Mostly trying on my patience.  I’ve been trying to keep busy, but not too busy so that  I can be rested and “ready” when the big day does arrive. 
I am now officially 1 week overdue, but I visited the midwife yesterday and everything looks good, so that is a relief. She says “Any day now!” But I guess I already knew that.  We are so excited!!
Søren had a big exam yesterday so it was nice that he was able to go to finish it before the baby came.  We were very curious if the baby would come right on that day since we first found out his exam was that day, so now we can just be excited for our baby’s arrival. He did very very well on the exam and we went out for dinner to celebrate yesterday!!  
Thanks for all the emails and facebook messages asking how I’m doing!
Baking goodies for the freezer in comfort

1 comment:

weenie said...

I understand that being overdue is common for first-time mom's -- I have your dad on baby alert duty.

Auntie Anne