Søren, Silas and I are having a wonderful and relaxing summer! We hadn’t planned much of anything, as we didn’t know how much we would be up for, so we have just taken each day as it comes with a few small day trips every once and awhile.
Two of the day trips we have had were to visit some friends/family at two different Bible Camps in Denmark. I have heard so much about Mørkholt and Sommeroase, so this year since we are actually in Denmark during the camps, we just had to check them out. Both camps are designed for families, and it was fun to see so many kids playing around and there were many different activities and events that you could attend. I was very impressed with both camps, each unique in their own way.
With Ulla, Peter, Lukas & Nikolaj at Mørkholt Camping |
At Sommeroase with Jette, Carl, Ida and Sigrid |
The day at Mørkholt we had beautiful weather and enjoyed visiting friends from our church as well as Søren’s sister and her family. Silas slept pretty much the whole day, so he was easy to have along. At Sommeroase Silas was also so well behaved, sleeping again most of the day in his buggy as we walked around and visited with our friends.
Søren and I were also able to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary last Tuesday. We spent the day in the nearby beach town, Henne, where we looked at shops and took a stroll down by the ocean. Then we went out to eat on the way home, where once again Silas was so well behaved! It was a delicious buffet and Søren and I had plenty of time to enjoy multiple trips to the buffet table! Then we came home and watched the movie Søren had bought us for our anniversary. We definitely enjoyed the day!
Silas seeing the ocean for the first time |
Every year we have a little day long family outing with Søren’s Mom and his sister and family. This year we were meant to go to a little island off the west coast of Denmark, where Søren’s Mom lived until 2nd grade. However the weather prevented us from going and instead we decided to go a different day and ended up at a very beautiful Nature Park. There were trails around a small lake and an awesome playground with fun for both kids and adults. We finished the day back at Ulla and Peter’s house with some strawberry pie and steak dinner. Silas had a great day too getting lots of fresh air and being as charming as ever during goodbyes, giving his toothless smile and coos to his Aunt, Uncle and Grandma.
Otherwise we have just been enjoying time at home. Going for walks, cleaning up around the house and visiting friends. We are getting to know Silas better and better and therefore having fewer and fewer crying attacks. However, there have been a few days where he has been just a mad little boy…screaming while we were pushing him in his carriage on the busy shopping street…and screaming again as I took him to a flea market. All in all he is so well behaved we can’t complain, but I still must note that he can be a “bit” fussy!
PS: This morning I was changing Silas’ diaper and just as I was about to put the new diaper on, I heard a giant fart and suddenly I was covered with a yellowish, watery poop explosion. It was all over!! I had to take a shower immediately. The joys of parenthood!