Monday, July 11, 2011

Silas 1 month +

Everyday I keep thinking, I really want to have a blog post each month showing Silas' growth (at least for this first year as so much changes so quickily in the beginning).  So yes, everyday in July so far I have told myself that it is too late now to do a 1 month post, but I still want to do it, so now I am deciding that I will just do it, even though Silas is much over 1 month now. So here is the first of the 12 posts to come! (Now I've promised it, so I have to follow through :)

SILAS 1 month

At 1 month old Silas can:
1) Hold his head really high and for up to 3-4 minutes at a time
2) Cry with such a volume and violence that you wonder if he is literally dying...well at least wonder if he is breathing
3) Make slight eye contact for short periods. For ex: Follow an item every so slowly and with delayed reaction.
4) Make cooing noises
5) Smile in his sleep...(also slightly while awake, but definitely not purposeful)
6) Sleep for 5 hours in a row (Has only done it 3 nights but still)
7) Go through 3-4 outfits a day due to major spit up accidents.
8) Wear size 56cm clothes...he has outgrown his first set of 50cm.
9) Lower and raise his eyebrows
10) Pass gas almost as loudly as his parents.
11) Weighs 11 lbs (4.98kg) and is 22.8 inches (58cm)

These are the first things that come to mind although there is much more he can "do". Already just 2 weeks after his 1 month birthday we have seen a development in many of these areas, but the most noteworthy are: his cooing noises, smile and eye contact. Silas has begun to really love being on the changing table. It is here that we can very clearly see him make eye contact with us and see that he is quite concentrated on anything hanging near him. He also smiles a lot while on his back at his changing table and when he does this he makes a lot of noises like he is saying, " I am satisfied"...It is so cute and it melts our hearts everytime.

Only 2 weeks until the next monthly update...what changes will we already see there?

1 month photos:

Other random pics:

Sleeping amongst a pile of "junk"

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