Silas is now officially 2 months old and it is hard to remember how life was without our precious little boy. This past month has brought a lot of changes in Silas’ development but also in our role as parents. We are learning to read his noises and faces and it’s much easier to know what he needs, thus a lot less crying now!
Silas is a very happy baby who has given us so much joy. He loves to smile and talk to us with a sparkle in his eyes. Sleeping is also a favorite habit for baby Silas. He falls asleep quite easily and can almost fall asleep on his own. He takes afternoon naps for 3-4 hours every afternoon as well as other short naps in the morning and evening. He also has a favorite friend Mr. Froggy who he can spend multiple minutes talking to. Silas is truly a blessing to us and we feel very lucky to have had so much time to really enjoy getting to know him during his first two months!
Here are some notable Silas traits at 2 months:
1) Lots of cooing and chatting (see Cooing video below)
2)Hold himself and his head up really high for 5 minutes at a time!
3)Sleep in his lift/baby basket at night and for all naps!
4) Go 7½ hours without eating at night. Last night he slept from 10:45pm-6:30am without waking up once!
5)Take “regular” afternoon naps. About 3-4 hours at a time.
6)Smile a heart melting smile with a twinkle in his eyes
7)Make animal noises as a form of communication:
Dolphin=Excited or still hungry
Seagull=I am sleeping leave me alone
Pig=I am eating or want to eat NOW
8) Spit up in puddles (No, not bent over a puddle, he actually creates the puddles) Still going through 4-5 shirts a day.
9)Follow objects purposefully and much more quickly!
10) Entertain himself for longer periods of time. In his car seat looking at Mr. Froggy, or on his activity blanket. (See Froggy video below)
11) Is obsessed with light…..He’ll just stare towards any window or light. (The other night we were visiting some friends who have a giant skylight in their ceiling, he was so tired but just couldn’t fall asleep because he had to stare at the skylight)
12)Wear size 62cm clothes…and many 3 months shirts.
13)Eat much faster—feeding sessions are only 40 minutes now.
14) Weighs 14.1 lbs (6.4 kg) and is 24.8 inches (63cm)
Silas’ 2´month photos
Silas talking to Mr. Froggy