Saturday, August 13, 2011


Silas has a new toy! A bicycle trailer that he can ride around in and see the world! Well mostly the bicycle trailer is for us so we can conveniently visit our friends and the stores in the center of town, but hey Silas doesn’t need to know that.

Silas and I tried it out for the first time yesterday as Søren has the car at work and I had to go to meet with the Mother’s group I am in.  He was a bit cranky just before we left but as soon as we started biking he was so happy and stared out the window the whole way! I was a bit freaked out having him in the back where I couldn’t see him, but it got better towards the end. Thanks to family who gave us money, as a baby present, that we could put towards the trailer!

Looking out the window!
Just getting back from our trip.

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