Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Silas 6 months


Happy half Birthday Silas.  I can’t believe 6 months has passed since Silas was born. Just this morning we were reminiscing about where we were a half year ago today.  It was an amazing day and although in many ways it feels like an eternity ago, it also feels just like yesterday. But there is no doubt that Silas has changed a lot since that day as well.  The biggest changes this past month are probably that he is becoming a bit more clingy, especially to Mom. He whines if I leave the room, or if he is playing fine by himself and then suddenly sees me. In general he doesn’t enjoy playing  by himself as much as before and usually wants someone to play with him instead.  It seems that he is just bored laying on his back or stomach and instead wants to be sitting or standing all the time – and these things still require adult supervision/support.

The other big change is with his language – no he hasn’t begun cussing- but he has begun to add some consonant sounds to his vocabulary. He can now say B, D, M, and N sounds. I think it sounds like he says DADDA sometimes, but since that isn’t how you say father in Danish, Søren doesn’t seem too impressed.

Daily routine:
7:30 – 8:30: Wake up – talking excessively in his crib until he whines to get out. Change diaper, play a little bit, and then time for breakfast with Mom.

10 am: Morning snack of avocado, banana or applesauce

12 pm: A quick lunch with Mom and then time for a nap

2 pm: Up from the nap and time to play

3:30pm: Another afternoon snack with Mom before a little nap

6:00pm: Dinner time consisting of rice porridge, corn porridge or the latest sweet potatoes or mashed
potatoes with green beans

7:15 pm: Night time snack with Mom and then time for bed

*In general Silas seems to be needing less and less sleep during the day, so that means we get a lot more playtime in.

Notable traits at 6 months:
1) Can roll over from his back to his stomach, although he is pretty lazy and doesn’t do it very often.  We are still working on stomach to back which I think he will enjoy a lot when he does figure it out, as he often whines when he gets tired of being on his stomach.

2) Flirt – Yes he is a big flirt.  He likes to smile really big and then when you smile back he quickly turns his head away and buries it in his shoulder. Then just as quickly he turns back around with the biggest smile!

3) Can sleep for 12-13 hours straight.  The past few weeks he has been sleeping from about 7:30pm to 7:30am without waking up during the night!

4) Can also go 13 hours without eating. Yes he has managed without nursing in the middle of the night for over 2 weeks now!

5) He has been able to hold toys for a while, but now he can look for and retrieve a dropped toy.

6) He can reach out for a hug with both arms.

7) Along with the hugs come big, open mouthed, slobbery kisses all over your cheek, neck, arm, wherever.  He often does it right after we have just kissed him.

8) Smile for the camera. Not too many more stone faced pictures, it actually seems like he is posing for the camera now.

9) Weighs 18.3 lbs (8.3 kg) and is 27.5 inches (70cm)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Yes, December is almost here and that means time to decorate for Christmas.  Søren and I had a great evening listening to Christmas music and Christmas decorating our house for the first time. We even have a few trees lit outside. It just creates such a cozy feeling in our home as we are reminded about the hope and joy that Christ brings with this magical season.

The gift calendar that I got from my friends - there is a package for each day starting December 1st until the 24th
Silas is in the hockey mood -Go Wild!
Silas posing in front of the village

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving x2

Again this year we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving twice.  Our first Thanksgiving was spent in Viborg visiting our friends and their families from Watermark.  Although 3 of our regulars have moved to the US since last year, there were still 10 of us as there were 3 more kids at the table than last time!  Although the entire meal aspect was quite different with little ones, we had a great evening with wonderful food, conversation and “Apples to Apples.”

Hanging out before dinner
Silas, Søren, Josh and Hannah
The Boys
Our next Thanksgiving took place on the actual Thanksgiving Day.  We had 5 adults and 3 kids visiting so we made a feast.  This year we decided to make a whole turkey instead of just a turkey breast, so that was fun and very yummy.  We enjoyed pumpkin pie while chatting and watching NFL. A perfect Thanksgiving this year as I didn’t have to work! 
The table
The Andersons cheer for the right team
Søren carving his first turkey
Even Silas got to eat some of the delicious meal - mashed potatoes (before the salt and butter)
We have a lot to be thankful for this year, wow! Thanks to our readers for your support, love and friendship.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New tricks

Silas has a new trick.  He can roll over from his back to his stomach.  He’s been able to roll over to his side for quite some time, but has had some trouble with the last 90 degrees. It was like his legs and body wanted to, but the arms just wouldn’t cooperate. Then one day while I was changing him, he did it! He’s done it quite a few times lately, but has taken a break for a few days.  I guess we have to keep an even closer eye on him now?

Here is my attempt to catch it on video…although I wasn’t successful, I thought he put in a valiant effort worth sharing.

Oh and his little moves have gotten him into some pretty interesting is the sight  I saw the other morning when I came in to get him.