Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving x2

Again this year we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving twice.  Our first Thanksgiving was spent in Viborg visiting our friends and their families from Watermark.  Although 3 of our regulars have moved to the US since last year, there were still 10 of us as there were 3 more kids at the table than last time!  Although the entire meal aspect was quite different with little ones, we had a great evening with wonderful food, conversation and “Apples to Apples.”

Hanging out before dinner
Silas, Søren, Josh and Hannah
The Boys
Our next Thanksgiving took place on the actual Thanksgiving Day.  We had 5 adults and 3 kids visiting so we made a feast.  This year we decided to make a whole turkey instead of just a turkey breast, so that was fun and very yummy.  We enjoyed pumpkin pie while chatting and watching NFL. A perfect Thanksgiving this year as I didn’t have to work! 
The table
The Andersons cheer for the right team
Søren carving his first turkey
Even Silas got to eat some of the delicious meal - mashed potatoes (before the salt and butter)
We have a lot to be thankful for this year, wow! Thanks to our readers for your support, love and friendship.

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