Thursday, May 31, 2012

1st birthday party

We celebreated Silas’ first birthday with family and friends a few days before his actual birthday where everyone had the day off due to the second day of Pentecost holiday!  Silas’ guests arrived at 11 and shortly after we ate brunch. We had been preparing and freezing different dishes throughout the week, so we ended up with a feast. We had: 2 quiches, sausages, eggs, fruit, rolls with cheese and jam, hashbrowns, a make your own pancake station, applesauce muffins and diverse drinks. The weather was absolutely perfect, not too hot, not too cold and sunshine. We all sat outside on the patio and ate and ate. Silas really liked the pancakes and ate lots of different dishes. Then it was time for his nap.

Brunch outside
When he woke up it was time to open presents. Everyone gathered around as Silas tried to open the presents. Luckily the other kids at the party were very helpful and we got them all open. He got lots of great presents and no doubles!
His Birthday Presents
Finally it was birthday cake time and we sang Happy Birthday in English for him. I had made 2 banana and chocolate layer cakes for him because he loves bananas so much, and some chocolate chip cookies. Suprisingly Silas didn’t eat very much of the sweets, but he ate enough to get a little messy!
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing outside. We had Konge-spil, Bocce, Croquet, and some balls to toss around. Silas enjoyed playing with some of his new outdoor toys.
Before we knew it, it was time to start up the grill and eat dinner. We had hamburgers and hotdogs with chips and watermelon. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. All the guests left shortly after dinner and Silas was pretty much falling asleep on my shoulder while saying goodbye. We could tell Silas enjoyed the day and we had a lot of fun celebrating our little boy turning one!
Sleepy birthday boy
On his actual birthday, both Søren and I had the day off, so in the morning when we heard he was awake, we went into his room with a Danish and an American flag and sang him a birthday song. He looked at us like we were a little strange, but that’s what I loved bout it. After breakfast we gave him his present from us, a play kitchen. Silas helped assemble it and had a lot of fun playing with the small plates and forks and putting things into the over.  We took a trip to the library in the morning, where he could explore and play with the toys. We ate leftover cake and muffins and sang Happy Birthday to Silas for his afternoon snack. It was a precious day full of reminiscing about what we were doing exactly one year prior. We feel so blessed to have been able to spend the whole day as a family and blessed to have Silas in our lives. Happy Birthday Silas darling!
Birthday Breakfast
My new kitchen- Thanks Mom and Dad
Presents from Grandma, Friend and Daycare Mom

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