Thursday evening we went to an Easter dinner through our church. The entire meal was meant to resemble how Jesus spent his final evening with his disciples. We read bible verses, sang and ate unleavened bread, etc. It was great to get into the Easter mindset. Friday we spent the day in Holstebro with Søren's Ulla and family as well as Inger. We went to church and afterwards had a delicious Easter Lunch at their house. The afternoon was filled with fun, consisting of an Easter egg hunt and playing at the park. We also had a feast of a dinner and played a few games before going home.
Saturday we needed to get some preparation done, so we worked hard while Silas was napping. In the evening our friends Therese and Simon (as well as their 2 boys) came for dinner and Therese and I showed our husbands the pictures from our trip to Greece.
Sunday was a very festive day being Easter and all! It started out great with rolls and eggs, followed by another Easter Egg hunt. My mom had sent an Easter package including the plastic eggs filled with candy. They were perfect for a hunt for Silas, so I hid them around the house and he had fun finding them and eating the small pieces of candy inside. Silas also recieved an Easter basket with Playdoh and a Bubble Gun. It was so fun to recreate some Easter memories from my childhood in my adult home. We also went to the park and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine (it made the 34 degree weather feel almost warm) Søren was playing drums in Church so Silas and I got nearly front row seats and enjoyed the amazing service. There was so much peace and happiness in the air that I couldn't help but get up and dance and shout as the service ended with the Tim Hughes song.."Happy Day"..."Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, you washed my sins away, Oh Happy Day Happy Day, I'll never be the same, forever I am changed." We went to dinner at our friend Kirstens house and Silas had fun playing on the stairs and talking with a doll.
Today, Monday, we also had the day off and spent it entirely together as a family. In the morning we colored eggs and played outside. Then in the afternoon we went to an indoor playground nearby. (another blog entry coming just about that). It has been an amazing 5 days and we feel renewed heading into the new week.
Happy Easter! Hallelujah Christ is risen!
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