At 9am his daycare came for a visit. We ate rolls and watermelon, and the kids played around in the yard in the gorgeous weather. It was fun watching the others play with Silas' things, and Silas being a little protective but also sharing. When it was time for them to leave, Silas took his place holding on to the stroller and started walking "home" with them. We walked them to the corner and waved goodbye.
Then it was time for Søren to go to work, but I had taken the day off. Silas had some new guests for lunch. Our friend Jette and her 3 girls. He opened more presents and ran around swinging on his new swing and enjoying his company. After his nap we had cake and sang a Danish version of Happy Birthday. In the middle of it, his babysitter came by with a present and she stayed and played with us for awhile.
Silas was just in a great mood all day, enjoying all the attention. When Søren came home we ate homemade pizza outside on the patio. It's one of Silas' favorite meals so it was quite appropriate. He was pretty tired by days end, but we all had a fabulous day.
Goodnight cake with Far! |
Then the following Saturday we had a family party. Guests arrived at 2:30pm with presents and Silas again showed how much he enjoys having guests. We had cake and cookies and sang. We had asked Silas earlier what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday and he replied "blue cake," so we made a chocolate cake with blue frosting. We spent the afternoon playing with his new toys, and Silas loved following his big cousins around. They are so good with him and can make him laugh. We had a grill dinner with burgers, hotdogs and chicken skewers. It was delicious and Silas ate so much. The guests didn't leave until after 8, so Silas went straight to bed. It was a fantastic day.
The gifts he recieved:
Tricycle, more pieces to the Duplo train, Bamse T-shirt, pants, Duplo bus, Totte book, bubble pistol, sidewalk chalk, 12 mini-cars, a tent, insect catcher, sand toys, sticker book, swing, sunglasses, maracas.
Here are some interesting facts about Silas at age 2:
1) He has 2 great stuffed animal friends. The first DOGGIE and the other FREDDY who is an English speaking puppet that he likes to talk to and have us FREDDY. He began wanting to bring Doggie to daycare and likes to put him to sleep with his pillow and blanket. (Doggie and Freddy are the puppets Søren and I had on Watermark!)
2) He likes to look at his bare stomach. He points to his belly button and says "belly butt". He will pull up his body stocking and walk around with his shirt tucked under his chin.
3) Likes to count things. There seem to always be 10 of everything.
4) Loves the color blue, but in general pointing out what color things are. He can identify yellow, red, blue and white.
5) Enjoys watching Handy Manny on the TV. We only have 1 DVD so we have seen the same episodes many times, but it is a great weekend tradition as he likes to cuddle on the couch and watch. He also likes watching You Tube songs...especially "Wheels on the Bus."
6) He can put on his own boots and sometimes shoes, as well as take them off again.
7) When I say "I love you Silas" he replies "Love you Mommy"
8) At his doctors appointment he weighed in at 14 kg and 89 cm.
9) Can fill in the words to songs and in books. One of his favorites is Twinkle Twinkle where he can almost sing the entire song by himself. But he has also filled in the words to Amazing Grace and others.
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