We were blessed to see our baby on the "halfways" ultra sound. It is so amazing what the midwife can see with that thing. We could see the entire spinal cord, 2 feet with all the individual bones, the heart as well as the different chambers, and even the direction and how the blood was running in and out. We also saw the brain and the upper lip area, stomach, and the bladder that had fluid in it which is a sign that the kidneys are working. We saw the nose but couldn't get a good profile as the baby was turned with its back outwards. The last thing she mentioned she saw was a........yep it's a boy! We are so excited for Silas to have a little brother to share his life with. Now just to come up with a name!!! It was so amazing to see our little boy and to hear that he is healthy and growing as he should!
As mentioned above, we couldn't really get a good picture at the ultra sound, but here is a picture of what he looks like from the outside instead.
20 weeks |
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