Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall break

Yay Fall break is here.  We feel it is a very well deserved vacation from a busy and exciting start of the school year.  We already had the day off Friday (yesterday), but spent most of the day preparing for the week following our break, so now we are officially vacationing from school work!!

Today the first official day, we had a great time.  Relaxing together, singing, watching cartoons, swimming and carving pumpkins.   We look forward to time with friends the next few days, and then Søren and I are heading to Rome for a few days, while Farmor looks after Silas.  We are super excited!! (I promise there will be a Rome post when we get back)

Mickey Mouse attempt

As you can see, Silas mostly helped clean out the pumpkin.  He however, had to wash his hands about every minute or so as he said, "Ew, hands dirty again."  He was a big help sweeping the pumpkin seeds off the floor, and he gave names to each pumpkin after they were given a face.  At the end he wanted to "carve" as well, so he took out his little butter knife and went at it!

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