As usual we kept ourselves busy while in the US. Whether it was visiting family and friends, or shopping for things on our must have list, most days involved some kind of activity. This year we really had beautiful weather, there were only 2 days that were super hot and muggy, otherwise the temperatures were in the 70s or 80s (20-30degrees C) and the humidity was quite low. This was great, as we were able to enjoy the outdoors even more.
Finally we made it to our vacation rental and checked out the space. It turned out that our rental was one half of the house and the owners lived in the other half. No problem... But then as we were exploring we saw a curtain in Silas' room so we opened it, and just on the other side of a sliding glass door was the owners living room! So the only thing seperating us from their house was a curtain and a glass wall. Ha ha! We had to keep Silas from opening the curtain, otherwise it wasn't really a problem...aside from when their 4 dogs started barking. But luckily they only barked the first night.
Day 3 of our Black Hills trip consisted of visiting all the major tourist attractions around there. Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and then Bear Country. It was cool to see Mt. Rushmore, but actually Crazy Horse impressed us even more after we saw the video about the process of making it. Bear Country was cool, we saw wild animals from the area as we drove around in our car. Silas had fun trying to spot the different animals. That evening, our friends Anna and Jason drove out from their home in Wyoming, to see us for just a few hours. It was so fantastic to see them!
Mt. Rushmore |
Crazy Horse Monument |
Day 5 it was time to go home, but we couldn't leave town without visiting the Storybook Island park. A free park where there are figures, character etc, from the different childrens storybooks. It was awesome, and Silas could have stayed there all day. After lunch we drove and drove and ended up back at my Mom's around 11:30pm. Benjamin was pretty whiny and had a hard time sleeping in the car, but all in all it went well.
Storybook Island |
Storybook Island |
Picnic lunch before a long ride home! |
After our Black Hills trip we had lots of plans with friends. We went to the Mall of America and saw the Okee Dokee Brothers with our friend Julie and her two kids. After a wonderful lunch, we went to the amusement park area and Silas got to ride a lot of rides. Grandma came along and we all had a nice time. That same evening I met with my old college brass quintet friends. We played together for an about an hour before our lips were hurting and went out for a drink afterwards. (I had to go home in between to feed Benjamin, as he would absolutely not take a bottle!) It was so much fun to see them all again, and to play my horn again!)
Quintet |
Other events include:
Going to the splash pad and park with Mo and her new husband Stephen.
Storytime and hanging out with Grandma and Uncle Johnny
Visiting Dan and Tara a few times, seeing their new house and playing with the kids.
Visiting with my highschool friends Crystal and Andrea and their Jason's..and all our boys. (5 total!) We had a BBQ and hung out. Silas got to ride with Westin in the Powerwheels looked so weird just seeing them driving off togehter. We also went to the lake one day and the boys loved playing at the playground and splashing in the lake.
Playing at the beach |
Visited Julie, Josh, Alexander and their newest baby Ruthie. We had a nice dinner and the boys played together being very silly!
Went to Holly and Dave's new house. They just moved in, and their place is huge. They have a pool so we went swimming, played a lot in the playroom (they also have 2 boys ages 2½+ and 8 months), had some adult time while all 4 boys took naps, and after they all went to bed, we sat by the bonfire with a beer and some S'mores!
Goodnight stories |
Water fight with Grandpa!
Visited my Grandma and took a 4 generation Adrienne/Adrian picture.
Benjamin and I went to my cousin Henry's play "Les Miserablé" with my Mom, Aunt Eileen and Grandma. It was a great time and very professional. As I had to bring Benjamin, due to the lack of taking a bottle 2 days prior, I ended up watching some of the play on the small tvs in the lobby, but the experience as a whole was fun.
Enjoyed lazy mornings where the boys didn't wake up until 8 or 8:30! We could then lie in bed watching TV or just talking.
I played softball for my Dad's team. It was a double header and we won both games. It was a lot of fun, but boy was I sore afterwards!
Had dinner at my Dad's with Aunt Anne and Kim.
Went to Minihaha Falls with Dad and Liz. Saw the falls, walked around a bit and had an outdoor lunch.
Had a date with Søren for our anniversary, where we went to a Mexican restaurant, out to a movie ("Begin Again" was great!!) out for frozen yoghurt, and to Target to end the date. It was wonderful! We also had a date night where we went to Applebees and grocery shopping, oh what things give us joy these days!
Took Silas to the movie theater. They have free childrens movies in the summer, and we had 2 free popcorn bags from the parade, so it was a cheap enjoyment as well. The movie they showed was "Turbo" about a snail who enters the Indy 500 car race. During one of the scenes Silas shouts out "I wish I had a snail too!". He had a great time and was mesmorized the entire time, talking to us and telling us what he saw.
So that about sums it up. We were ready to come home by the end, but had a lot of wonderful experiences and visits. Both boys did a great job getting dragged around everywhere, but we could tell they were ready to come home too. Silas' English was great from the moment we arrived, but it was fun watching it improve so much as well. Thanks to family and friends for a nice month!
Random pictures:
Messy potatoes and avocado |