Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Benjamin 6 months

This month Benjamin has begun to be more mobile.  He learned to roll from back to stomach and does it almost instantly when you put him down on the blanket. He can scoot himself backwards a foot or so by wiggling his hips and legs.  He can also stand on his legs for a long period of time if you hold him up, and can sit with just a little support.  It's great to see him hitting these milestones after getting his hip brace off last month.

It is quite impossible to say what Benjamin's schedule is like, as it has been very much interrupted the past month while we were on vacation in the US.  But he usually takes about 3 naps a day. 2 short ones (30-60minutes) and a longer one over the lunch hour. Although Benjamin was almost sleeping through the night last month, he now wakes up around 1am to eat and sometimes stays awake for a couple hours after that. His bedtime is about 8pm and he usually falls alseep by himself or while eating.

Some other notable things from this month:
1) Started eating more solid foods. Mashed potatoes and avocado have been his dinner options. And porridge, prunes and pears have been his smaller meals or snacks.  He also likes to eat small pieces of melon and can suck a piece of watermelon dry if you let him.

2) Has 2 teeth...they both came in right after each other on the bottom

3) Does not want to take a bottle, even with breast milk. Screams the whole time if you try.

4) Can sit up in a boppy chair and grab things

5) Tries to roll over during diaper changes. (Rolled over for the first time 1 week before he turned 6 months)

6) Can scoot in circles on the bed or floor

7) Does not like to get shirts on...STILL.

8) Thinks car rides are pretty boring after 30 minutes or so. Lots of fussing and sometimes screaming.

9) Puts everything in his mouth

10) Can stand up "by himself" if you place him up agains something.

11) Started mimicking other peoples noises...Silas and Benjamin have "conversations" in the car.

12) Can swing in a baby swing...and he loves it!

13) Can lay on his stomach happily for 20+ minutes.

14) Know what to do in front of the camera...SMILE!

We had 6 month photos taken while in MN....here are some of them below!

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