Benjamin is now double digits! 10 months old. The biggest and newest excitement is that he can crawl!! It started off quite slowly, pulling up his knees and taking one "step" forward. Now 2 weeks later he is cruising around and picking up speed daily. We can tell that he likes his new ability and seems even more joyful. Now he can keep up with the bigger kids at daycare, and expolore new things whenever her wants. It's been so much fun watching his curiosity and playful eyes. He also really enjoys rough housing with Silas. The times we think Silas is being to wild with his little brother, then Benjamin just starts laughing and loves when Silas pretends to fall on top of him.
There are, however, moments when Benjamin is not the happiest little guy. 1) When driving in the car. 2) When lay on his back on the changing table. 3) At dinner time when he doesn't think he should eat anymore or at all. 4) In the middle of the night when we desperately try to give him his pacifier so he'll fall back asleep, where as he just wants to talk and be awake.
So yes, there are some challenges. Most of them we deal with well, but we are both very tired and look forward to a few more full nights of sleep, a row. On the other hand there have been days where he has slept until 5:30 without waking up those glimpses give us hope.
Benjamin has also begun to pull himself up. Mostly just so he is standing on his knees, but has also pulled himself up to his feet a few times. He loves to climb on Mommy and Daddy if they are laying on the ground and climbs right over us.
There are lots of noises around the house with 2 little boys, but one noise in particular is very funny. That is Benjamin's funny squawking noise. He really does sound like a bird. Therse are happy noises and make us smile.
Benjamin has pretty much mastered eating with a spoon and now eats oatmeal for breakfast. Yay. He also gets 210ml of a bottle every night before sleeping, which has improved his urine output. I still nurse him in the morning and evening, but the milk is dwindling, so I'm not sure how much longer it will last. But he seems to enjoy it still.
He knows who he belongs to, and is now more aware of strangers holding him or even just talking to him. However, most days he will let anyone hold him and play with him. It's just that it's just a lot easier to see that he recognizes us and is happy to see us.
Favorite foods right now are tortillas, pizza, prunes and clementines. Favorite activities include: hearing animal noises...he especially loves the cat and elephant, and playing with the DVD drawers under the TV!
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