In the beginning of December, we noticed that Silas' bottom front tooth was loose. That was weird, he was only 4½ and I had never heard of anyone having loose teeth so early. A few days later, we realized that both bottom front teeth were loose. So we concluded that Silas must have hit them on something and knocked them loose. Within a week, both teeth fell out on the same day! The first one in pre-school and then second one while he was brushing his teeth at night. He was so excited about it. We don't really like the idea of the tooth fairy, so we just said that he could put his teeth under his pillow and then they would get exchanged for something. In the morning there was money under his pillow and a few days later he used it to buy a Spiderman mask!
About a week after the teeth fell out, we could see that the adult teeth were growing in! Much too quickly Silas has a set of adult teeth where the once adorable gap had been! Wow, he is getting so big!!
Here is the big boy showing off his gap!
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