Liam 1 month
We feel it has been a really great start. Easy going and lots of time to adjust. We are so thankful for this beautiful blessing in our lives and we praise God daily for Liam and how well things are going.
Some things to note:
1) Daily schedule. Sleep...awake 20 minutes to 1 hour...sleep 2.5-3.5 hours, awake 20 minutes to 1 hour...repeat! Although he does take 4-5 hour sleeping stretches at night where he then wakes up to eat and falls asleep again. So he is basically sleeping from 11pm to 8:30am every day.
2) Silas and Benjamin absolutely love him. They have not even once been too rough with him or complained about us needing to take care of Liam. Silas especially is really proud that he gets to sit next to Liam in the back of the car. He takes it as a job, and is very serious about it. If Liam spits up or starts fussing, Silas wipes him or gives him his pacifier. Its quite obvious to see how much Silas truly enjoys having that role. Benjamin is also sweet with Liam and asks about him every morning. Benjamin gives him lots of kisses and says "Liam" so sweetly!
3) His favorite sleeping position is scrunched up on his stomach on top of our chests. He calms right down and falls alseep very quickly.
4) We tried giving Liam a bottle and he just wolfed it down.
5) He enjoys baths and laying out at the changing table. We have used the blow dryer the first weeks but use it less now as Liam just seems content without it as well. He prefers to look over his right shoulder when he is on his back, but can now track something for a little bit so we can get his head turned a bit.
6) The first 3.5 weeks Liam slept best while being held, but the past week he has seemed to sleep more soundly when we lay him in his portable bed. He has also taken a few long naps in his baby carriage outside and loves walks!
7) Started making cooing noises around 4 weeks...not many but some.
8) Is now 56cm long and 4.9 kg (22inches, 10.8lbs)
1 month pictures
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