The first week was filled with lots of napping together, short visits from friends and family, and lots and lots of sleep. Yes, Liam slept for like 3 days straight after he was born. Only waking up to eat and then back to sleep. Søren and I also were able to sleep quite well, so that was amazing! Søren had a 2 week maternity leave right when Liam was born, so the big boys also got a lot of attention when they came home from preschool and daycare. During the day Liam, Søren and I relaxed a lot, slept, talked without getting interrupted and went for walks. It was a beautiful time.
Now at 2 weeks, Liam still sleeps alot. Probably at least 20 hours a day. He wakes up between naps for about 20 minutes where he just looks around and is very calm. He loves to have the blow dryer on, on the changing table and he just looks around with his big dark eyes. Then its time to sleep for another 2-3 hours before eating again! At night Liam has slept for 5 hours straight a couple of times, and then just wakes up to nurse in bed and falls right back to sleep. Silas and Benjamin are also fans of Liam giving him lots of kisses and talking about him. They are also very helpful, coming with a blanket, pacifier or toy. And yes, sometimes the toys are showed off right in front of his face while he is sleeping, but he doesn't seem to mind! We are so thankful for such a great start as a family of 5.
Day 1:
Cousins visiting:
Quality time:
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