Liam is now 3 months and still changing a lot. He is still a very content baby who likes to sleep. I think that he is so content because he is so good at sleeping. We know him now and he likes and needs longer naps. Many times after 30 minutes he wakes up and looks totally awake. If we take him up then he will get fussy after 20 minutes or so, but if we use 10 minutes on trying to get him to sleep again, then he will sleep for another 2-3 hours! He has begun to sleep outside in his baby carriage for most naps and somedays he has slept until 7pm outside. Silas and Benjamin still adore Liam and enjoy trying to make him smile and laugh. Liam still sleeps really well at night usually taking a 5-6 hour stretch the first bit and then just eating and falling back to sleep. He will then eat again around 5 or 6 am and sleep another 3 hours. What a blessing!
In general we feel so blessed to have gotten such a good start with Liam. We all love him so much and he adds so much joy to our family.
Other notable traits:
1) Losing hair. He had so much long and dark hair when he was born, but it is now falling out. Mostly in a ring above his ears, and in front. What is growing in is a lot lighter!
2) Makes a lot of eye
contact. He can just stare down anyone. If you first catch his eyes he will just look at you forever. If you talk to him in a high voice he will give you the biggest smile, and if you pretend to sneeze he laughs! It is so enjoyable!
3) Is becoming quite chatty. He will look at you and give these high screech noises and coos. Silas and Benjamin try to imitate him and then Liam really gets going.
4)Rolled over
once from back to stomach. He can be on his stomach for 10 minutes or more.
5)Likes to
follow things with eyes. He can be a bit fussy and then if you hang something above him to look at he will calm down and follow it. (It also works to talk to him...I guess he just gets bored some times)
6) Will smile at strangers and doesn't mind being held by others...but you can tell he smiles extra easily to Mom, Dad and his brothers.
7) Even if he hasn't been up from a nap very long, he almost always falls asleep in the car. Also if its just a 5 minute drive to pick up the boys from preschool.
8) Started going to baby swimming with Mommy. Liam enjoys laying on his back and looking up at Mommy. He smiles a lot and likes to kick in the water. We have also tried going under water a few times.
9) Weighs 6.7 kg and is 63 cm tall.
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