Monday, January 30, 2017

Liam 4 months

Liam is 4 months now and changes are happening every day it seems. Some of the biggest changes this month have been with his hand-eye coordination.  Liam likes to reach out and try to grab things and can actually put them in his mouth.  It keeps him entertained as he seems to get bored more quickly now with just sitting or hanging around. However, Liam is still an incredibly happy baby and gives a lot of smiles and squeals!

A typical day for Liam at 4 months
- Wakes up between 8:15-9:30.
- Naps about 2 hours later
- A typical nap lasts around 4 hours.  However it has also been 5 hours a few day!
- Awake for 2 hours playing and eating
- He sleeps 2 more naps during the day of about 30 minutes each with 2 hour intervals before falling asleep on his own in his lift around 10pm.
- Wakes up around 3 or 4 to eat and falls asleep again until 6, eats again and sleeps until he wakes up at 8:15/9:30ish.

Other notable traits:
1) Still likes laying on his back on the changing table when you sing to him and move his arms and legs.  He especially likes it if there is something plugged into the outlet which is near his head.

2) He smiles instantly if I sing to him, especially if I sing high notes.

3) Has begun to roll.  He has only actually rolled over on his own a few times (both from stomach to back and vice-versa) but he twists so much onto his side so he almost makes it over.

4) Loves to lie on the open floor in just a diaper, especially at night.

5) The thick lock of hair is almost all gone now.  Instead new really blonde hairs are growing in.

6) Does not like getting shirts on.  He can be in the best mood and then you slip that shirt over his head and he immediatly starts crying to the verge of screaming!

7) Still loves bath time and splashing.  But floating on his back in the big pool at baby swimming is still his favorite.

8) Height: 64  Weight 8.2 kg

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