Friday, August 18, 2017

Summer in Minnesota

We had another fantastic summer vacation in MN.  We feel so lucky and blessed to have a whole month together as a family.  This year, as usual, we spent most of our time visiting family and friends and figuring out from day to day what fun ideas we could come up with.  Our time together as a family of 5 is priceless and we enjoyed getting to spend so much time together being goofy and relaxing.

Here are some highlights:

Silas losing his tooth- having the front gap - and having the gap get filled in, all within the same month!

Meeting with my former college roommate and her family at a splash pad.

6 days in the Brainerd Lakes area, where I grew up coming in the summer at my Grandmothers cabin. Including Silas winning the turtle races and Paul Bunyan land.

Trying out the various boats available for use at the resort. 

Brotherly fun in the cabin

Turtle Races

Paul Bunyan Land - and yes he still says your name when you walk in
Benjamin wasn't a fan of this one, until we started waving to Liam every time we came around

Lots of swimming at the pool where we were staying with our good friends Holly, Dave, Zach and Adam.

Oh and swimming in Lizzies pool too!

A campout night in the yard

Okee Dokee brothers and MN orchestra concert in the park

Numerous trips to Target and getting to use the MEGA carts!  Plus shopping malls with escalators and a Lego exhibit.

Time with Grandpa, Lizzie and Uncle Johnny

2 family reunions where we got to see extended family on both sides

Overnight trip to Winona to visit my Auntie and Uncle and Cousin + family!

Silas catching his first fish.

Benjamin's first time at the movie theater

Frisbee Golf anniversary date

Minnehaha Falls with former Youth Encounter buddies

Silas learning to play baseball, lots!

 Rails to Trails parade in Watertown

Visiting Grandma's grave at the cemetery.  It was a beautiful experience.  The boys were really sweet and were talking to her.  Silas sat down on the gravestone and said "Grandma, I'm sitting on your lap." and Benjamin said "Grandma, I want you here with me."  We looked at pictures of Grandma and just talked about fun memories.  It was really precious.

Becoming Godmother to my friends beautiful baby boy Luke!

Søren : GUNS n- Roses concert

Visiting the fire station

 Lots of car rides in the awesome Mini-van!

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