Saturday, February 3, 2018

Benjamin 4 years old

Benjamin and kitty...his favorite stuffy!
Four years have gone by since Benjamin Adrian Madsen came into our lives.  He is full of personality and makes us laugh every day.  His mood can change on a dime, so we never quite know what to expect when he wakes up, or when you pick him up from pre-school, or even if you just ask him a question. He's learning things everyday and he fascinates us.

Here are some traits we recognize in Benjamin at 4:

1) Answers with a small shake of the head.  He is quite hesitant when coming new places or when asked direct questions by adults.

2) Likes to yell random noises out of the blue...especially at the dinner table

3) Much improved at telling us what he wants (or saying no to Silas) instead of just yelling.

4) Pronounces S like F  and K like T  (and other cute words)

5) Talks non stop at home - has a longer warm up period when he is out.

6) Wants to bring a toy in the car on the way to pre-school, but then leave it in the car when we get there

7) Wants to wear his Woody Boots everywhere

8) Loves Puzzles-- and can do a 48 piece with just a bit of sorting help

9) Loves to bike on his green balance bike

10) TV doesn't hold his attention for more than 10 minutes...but  it will if one of us sits with him.

11) Always wants to come along to pick up things at the store.

12) Starting singing and humming a lot! Hearing him sing in the back of the car is one of the sweetest sounds I know!

13) Isn't a big fan of sitting on the toilet.

14) Favorite place to play : Kitchen table

 15) Likes to build with Duplo and can create big and creative things

16) Enjoys being outside, especially swinging.

17) Likes to play in Liams bed and ask Liam in general to play with him.

18)Asks often: "Hvornår vi til Legoland igen?" (When we are going to Legoland again?)

19) If he asks a question and you answer, he will respond "Hvad for noget" (What now?) and say it over and over again, even though you can see that he understands the answer you gave!

20) Can YELL at you if you don't understand him right away.  Some responses have been"Er du døv eller hvad",  "Dit navn er far, eller hvad?"  (Are you deaf or what? Your name Dad or what?) 

21) See number 20....Sassy and full of ATTITUDE! :-)

22) Can climb the bigger climbing things at the playground.  He will often ask you to help him, but when we refuse he proves he can do it on his own!

23) Understands everything I say to him in English, but prefers to speak Danish...really only saying the word "purple" in English.¨

24) Doesn't always like getting his picture taken...other times smiles all cheesy for the camera!

25) Has a best friend, Isak.  Those two are so sweet together.

Green balance bike

Isak and Benjamin, both in blue!

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