Liam is still thriving at daycare and he runs in to play when we drop him off. The group of 5 boys really enjoy each other and it's cute to see how they greet Liam when he comes! We are so grateful for the great place he can go mon-wed and friday...yes most thursdays he is come with me!
Other notable traits:
-He says quite a few words some English and some Danish and some in both :
Ned/down, hej, tak/thank you, bye bye, ja, nej/no, dip dip, ball,cheers, Baah (the name he calls all of his family members: Far, Mommy, Benjamin,Silas and himself)
-Drops his head down with a "huh" noise when he says yes to a question. He understands so much!
-Loves ketchup and says "dip dip" and dips everything in it
-Can eat by himself with a spoon and fork and also drinking from a cup (since about 13 months)
- As mentioned above, Liam is a Copy cat! Especially with Benjamin. Examples: Throws things like Benjamin, yells like Benjamin, runs around like Benjamin, makes the same noises as Benjamin)
-Has an amazing throwing arm - can throw balls really far.
-Sleeps 11 hours straight at night, falls asleep on his own in his crib after the goodnight routine consisting of: reading a book, singing a song, and praying before kisses and goodbye.
-Brings us all our shoes when he hears we are going somewhere... also just if we are talking about going somewhere later that day.
-Can follow many commands..."put this in the garbage" "put this on the table" "can you get _____"
Is very cuddly! Loves to nuzzle in your neck, or gently swirl your hair, especially if he is tired. He also loves to come and sit on our laps...he will come towards you and then at the last minute turn around and plop on your lap. We absolutely adore it! Going along with the cuddling, he also likes to lay on us and watch tv before bed...he copies the noises and just cuddles into us.
-Loves playing hide and seek, He is so cute when he is the one having to find us, he goes around and says coo-coo and BOO when he finds you. The last few times he has found his own hiding spots and was able to keep super quiet! He also likes playing "doggie doggie where's your bone" he gets down and when you say wake up doggie, he sits up and barks.
-Waves goodbye to lots of different people. Especially Søren and Silas as they go off to school in the morning.
- If Liam sees any type of animal, he gets really excited yells...woo woo...(also birds)
- He is quite daring -climbing ladders, climbing up slides (also the slippery ones at the pool), and the newest craze is climbing up onto things and jumping off on to a mattress! He is brave.
-Can be very persistant...grabbing your hand and pulling you to where he wants to go...or pointing ... Especially the forbidden game cabinet. It is forbidden because Liam likes to take all the game pieces out of the boxes and walk around with them putting them in different boxes he finds around the house.
When he's sad he will drag you by the hand into his room where he has a bag of pacifiers and whine until you give him one.
Yes, as you can read, Liam really has a personality, full of fun and determination. He is generally so happy and we can't help but have it rub off on all of us!
Note Liam answering with his head drop here!
Oh the laughter!!
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