Saturday, November 30, 2019

When I get big!

Around the time right before Liam turned 3, he started saying... "When I'm big I'll...." about lots of different things that'd he'd be able to do, things he'd eat, etc. 

The other day at dinner we were having burgers, which for him means just a bun, and as I lifted a beef onto his plate he said, "no, when I'm big." I replied, "You are big now honey."  And then Liam said, "Oh yeah!" and put the beef patty in his bun and are the whole thing! You should have seen his happiness! Classic! Here is the big boy! 

Monday, March 4, 2019

A bit of this and that

For some reason out blog has completely slipped my mind.  During this season of not working, you'd think I'd have lots of time... But I guess my focus has been other places.

Things are great here. All 5 of us are enjoying that I am staying at home.  Liam and Benjamin have lots of free days, Silas comes home after school, and I have alone time with the boys individually.  We've made countless lego city towns, duplo creations, train cities, puzzles, drawings, games of hide and seek, bike rides, baking, snacks.....etc...etc..

I cherish this time and look forward to at least another year as from July 1st Liam is going to be home full time for 10 months before starting pre-school next spring.  God is good and I am so grateful for this opportunity.  Here are just a few daily snapshots from my phone of our every day, just hanging out things!

Madsen family theater show!

Bike ride to Skjern River and the Kings Bridge

Quote Liam: "My help Mommy!"

I don't want to sleep Mommy!  It's too much fun inside!! 

Little jam session

Morning reading time