Monday, March 4, 2019

A bit of this and that

For some reason out blog has completely slipped my mind.  During this season of not working, you'd think I'd have lots of time... But I guess my focus has been other places.

Things are great here. All 5 of us are enjoying that I am staying at home.  Liam and Benjamin have lots of free days, Silas comes home after school, and I have alone time with the boys individually.  We've made countless lego city towns, duplo creations, train cities, puzzles, drawings, games of hide and seek, bike rides, baking, snacks.....etc...etc..

I cherish this time and look forward to at least another year as from July 1st Liam is going to be home full time for 10 months before starting pre-school next spring.  God is good and I am so grateful for this opportunity.  Here are just a few daily snapshots from my phone of our every day, just hanging out things!

Madsen family theater show!

Bike ride to Skjern River and the Kings Bridge

Quote Liam: "My help Mommy!"

I don't want to sleep Mommy!  It's too much fun inside!! 

Little jam session

Morning reading time

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