Monday, May 23, 2022

Silas in Thyborøn

 Silas was on a three day fieldtrip with his class and the other 4th grade class at his school.  They went to Thyborøn, a small town on the west coast of Jutland in Denmark.  They did so many things such as: Visiting bunkers and hearing about the history of WWII, visiting a house completely deocrated with shells, visiting an aquarium, getting a tour of a fish market, going on an amber safari to find amber, and of course walking the beach, taking the train, and sleeping with his friends in little cabins.   One of his challenges on the trip was that 2 of the boys in his cabin wanted to have a "døgner"...which means you don't sleep at all and are awake for 24 hours.  Silas told us he did not want to do that, and decided himself to sleep eventhough the other boys were awake!   

He had a great time.  So great, that for the next few days he was really sad about it being over, and about never getting to do that exact same thing again.  We talked about the challenge of being sad when something is over, and then trying to find joy in the memories... But I, know this feeling so much and still struggle, so I guess Silas takes after me in more ways then we can count!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What fun adventures. My heart melts with befriending Werner.
Love you all, Lisa