It's been awhile since I've created a post, but there is no time like the present. Just about 2 weeks ago Silas had a birthday. He is now 13 and officially a teenager. There has been a lot of talk and comments about becoming a teenager from friends, family and others. We have talked for the past year about how becoming a teenager can be challenging and that things can get jumbled up with hormones and how the brain is evolving - like a computer getting reprogrammed. I believe it is important for Silas to understand these changes, but also not to be afraid of them. To know that there will be ups and downs and that is okay. There are many amazing things to look forward to for him the next 5 years, and we look forward to walking with him through it all. So that was my teenage mom pep-talk. Mostly to myself, I may need to go back at look at this in the near future! (perhaps tomorrow?).
Silas continues to be a very happy boy. He is not afraid to try new things, and enjoys hanging out with his friends. A highlight of his week is on Fridays when his friend Jonathan comes over and they make tuna melts for lunch! It's become a tradition, and they both seem to enjoy it a lot! Silas is still really amazing at finding fun things to do with his friends. Playing soccer in the yard, making up card games, making their own soccer player cards, building with Legos, and the occasional Fifa game or Fortnite excursion. I am impressed by his ability to continue to be creative and play, as well as stay active!
As for free time activities, Silas is very passionate about soccer. He has played since he was 4 years old, and it is fun to see him now playing on a 11 mans field, with the same size goal as the professionals. Silas continues to play goalie, and works really hard at that. He can be a bit hard on himself at times, thinking every goal scored against him is his fault. He is still learning that team sports mean that nothing is just one persons fault. He loves practicing and is totally bummed if he has to miss a practice. He is also a huge soccer fan in general and knows so much about soccer teams, players, coaches, etc. His favorite teams are Manchester United, and the local Danish team FC Midtjylland.
Silas also continues to play golf, and has again this year been given permission to practice an extra hour a week with the golf pro and a smaller group of juniors. He just went down in handicap, and was super excited about that. Last Friday he played 18 holes on the big course in the pouring rain, and was smiling at the end. That is pretty amazing! He plays in tournaments and competitions and is learning a lot.
Silas is also continuing to pursue his passion for singing. He is in GospelTeens, a musical choir where they perform musicals for Christmas and Easter. This past spring he had several solos and also played a continuous role of a homeless child throughout the musical. I am the leader of this choir, and it is fun to get to see him grow and make friends there. This Christmas they will be performing a musical again!
Just before turning 13 Silas talked about finding a job. Here in Denmark you can get a job at age 13. Just the next day Silas was asked to be a babysitter. He was excited about this opportunity and has been there three times so far watching two boys age 2 and 5. Last time he also had to put them to bed and it was a bit rough with the two year old crying, but Silas managed to find a solution and get him to sleep. He is still interested in finding another job, so we'll see what happens.
Other notable things at this time:
1) Silas won an award last golf season for best work ethic and being a team player. (Proud parents here!)
2) Our boys have begun to be their own babysitters when Søren and I have to go places. Silas takes lead - sings and prays with Benjamin and Liam and gets them to bed, etc.
3) Silas was invited to a confirmation party with his friend. He didn't know any of the other guests, but wanted to go to support his friend, and had a good time. Pretty cool.
4) Silas was in the band for the 6th grade spring play and played drums and bass guitar. So his music interests go beyond singing and he enjoys learning new instruments, etc. The past year he has practiced a song from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and can now play the entire song on the piano.
Yep, I think this bragging blog post is coming to an end. We are excited to see what the next year brings for this amazing teenage boy!

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