Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lets go Vikings!

So Søren and I have been pretty busy this past week. It is the 25th anniversary of the boarding school where we work so we've been busy planning and putting on a big party. I was in charge of the choir and what they should sing for the party. I ended up making, with help from my friend Kirsten, a mini-musical using Abba songs to tell the history of the school, how it was founded, expanded, etc. It was a really fun week singing Abba songs, working with drama and putting it all together. We were lucky to have a full "rock-band" to accompany us and by the final rehearsal it sounded gerat. It was a huge success, we recieved many good comments and had a lot of fun. Søren was busy controlling the sound so it was fun to work together in a way!

The whole week we were looking forward to Sunday where we would finally have some time to each other and to relax. After the big party on Saturday night, where there were over 700 people, Søren and I slept in late, went to Church (it doesn't start until 3:30pm) and came home and got ready for the big game!! THE VIKINGS WERE ON DANISH TELEVISION! We had been excited all week. We put on our purple, pulled out our Viking cups and watched the Vikings.... it was fun to get into the game together! But how were the results??....

After..... Yeah the results were not exactly to our liking... oh well.

1 comment:

weenie said...

What excellent fans -- I'm afraid the V-Kings have been a challenge to watch for several years - so good for you.

Miss you muchly.

Auntie Anne