Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's new?

Well not much is new but an update is needed. We are just having everyday happenings. Work and friends are the top on the list. Last week we had something planned every night of the week, either with friends, school, or choir practice. But now it is Sunday and we are spending it the way it should be, relaxing!

In the past week Søren has had a lot of time off but it was great because then he was able to help his little cousin buy a drum set. I think he had just as much fun as his cousin looking at all the different drum sets and well he had to practice selv restraint when he found his dream drum set at a very very good price! Its great that he was able to help, his cousin really looks up to him!

Otherwise, yesterday we visited Ulla and Peter and our two nephews. We hadn't seen them since Christmas and you can really tell in both of them that they have grown, especially Nikolaj who is just so "tall" now, and already crawling! Peter had gotten an early birthday present, a Nintendo Wii, so we all played for much of the day. Lukas was so good at it and we had a hard time beating him, but it was fun to see how excited he was.
Playing tennis.

Otherwise its been a relaxing weekend after a stressful week. We are looking forward to a relaxing week at school while the students are working on a big project, before it gets busy again with a trip to Poland, recording a CD and other events!

Hope all is well with our readers!

Mary and Søren

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